Wall Street Tech, in its 4th year, will focus on realizable digital strategies, risk management in a volatile world and cost transformation through smart use of technology and multi-sourced services, bringing together the entire ecosystem of thought leaders, customers, analysts, advisors and solution providers, to learn, connect, share and transact.
Don’t miss YOUR opportunity to experience the premier conference that helps Banking, Financial Services and Insurance firms define their future roadmap!
Last year, this day-long symposium brought together IT and Tech executives, practitioners, decision makers, influences, and thought leaders to learn, connect, share and transact.
Again this year attendees will:
Learn more about how digital trends and transformative technologies are delivering greater risks of cyber-security hacks
Hear from top experts as to what’s real what’s hype and what can be expected as to real business value add
Discover the Next Wave of Sourcing and how the Financial Services industry can regain its edge
Innovate through Intelligent Automation, Analytics and Design thinking
Create an opportunity for you to make the necessary connections that will fuel your company’s innovation for years to come
Build your rolodex
Leave the day with both strategic and tactical action items that will enable you to get more from existing and future practices on Wall Street.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
8:00AM – 6:00PM
Eastern Time
Bohemian National Hall
321 East 73rd Street
New York, New York 10021
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Founded in 1993, The Outsourcing Institute is the largest neutral professional association dedicated solely to technology & outsourcing, comprised of more than 74,000 professionals worldwide and providing information, research, networking opportunities and customized outsourcing solutions to the industry. The Outsourcing Institute is the go to source for best practices, trends, tools, advice and events for all categories including IT, Business Processes, HR/RPO, Call Center and Finance, as well as Process Automation through our sister company, The Institute for Robotic Process Automation.
If you have general questions on any of our upcoming events or would like to be added to our pre-registration list, email oievents@outsourcing.com.