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  • RVBadges PrimaryImage healthcare - Healthcare Digital Services 2019-2020 RadarView™

    Healthcare Digital Services 2019-2020 RadarView™

    The Healthcare Digital Services 2019-2020 RadarView™ report provides information to the relevant enterprises assisting them in charting out their action plan as they digitally transform themselves. This 103-page report also identifies critical global service providers and system integrators that can expedite their transformation journey. Additionally, the report highlights the key trends in the market and Avasant’s view on the road ahead for healthcare companies over the next three years.

    November, 2019

  • RVBadges PrimaryImage Internet19 - Internet of Things Services 2019 RadarView™

    Internet of Things Services 2019 RadarView™

    Internet of Things has enabled enterprises to not only streamline their supply chain but also reinvent new business models, as well as new product and service offerings. Today organizations are recognizing the Internet of Things as an integral technology pre-requisite for a connected enterprise with the power to transform their business and seize new opportunities for growth. The Internet of Things Services 2019 RadarView™ report addresses the need of enterprises to understand the right action points to navigate through the headwinds and gain competitive advantage.

    February, 2019

  • RVBadges PrimaryImage DigitalM - Digital Masters 2019 RadarView™

    Digital Masters 2019 RadarView™

    Progressive enterprises recognize that digital transformation at scale can only be effectively executed by partnering with truly visionary service providers. Identifying the right partner for a company’s transformational programs —A partner that enables hyper-convergence of technology prerequisites, is a critical factor in ensuring digital success. Avasant Digital Masters 2019 RadarView™ is aimed at providing enterprises with a decision framework to assist in this endeavor.

    May, 2019

  • utilities@2x

    Crossroads of the Utilities Sector Business Model

    With an eye on the future, digital transformation offers Utilities the opportunity to be more efficient, responsive and innovative in delivering services. Digital transformation also provides improved customer engagement on mobile, social and web interfaces. This enables better two-way communications that lead to customized rate plans, products, and services based on customer usage, resulting in improved data management and analytics leading to higher operational efficiencies in the generation, transmission, and distribution. The industry is likely to witness a significant transformation which will eventually serve the best interest of both the consumer and the Utilities industry.

    August, 2019

  • green chalkboard scaled - Transformation in the Utilities Sector Is a Requirement, Not an Option

    Transformation in the Utilities Sector Is a Requirement, Not an Option

    Read Avasant’s "Transformation in the Utilities Sector Is a Requirement, Not an Option" article to find out how Utilities industry, that has typically had difficulty in adapting to rapid changes, can both culturally and technologically, address these challenges.

    August, 2019

  • Asset Intensive Industries Infographic - Asset-Intensive Industries Have Seen the Highest Concentration of Revenue, but Other Industries Are Catching Up

    Asset-Intensive Industries Have Seen the Highest Concentration of Revenue, but Other Industries Are Catching Up

    Learn more about the Internet of Things service provider landscape via Avasant's Internet of Things Services 2019 RadarView™ report.

    July, 2019

  • New IOT Use Cases Infographic - Internet of Things Use Cases

    Internet of Things Use Cases

    New IOT use cases are mushrooming everyday and a number of them have already reached scale. Learn more in the Avasant Internet of Things Services 2019 RadarView™ market assessment.

    May, 2019

  • MoneyShot IOT2019 1 - Avasant’s RadarView™ Recognizes the Most Innovative Service Providers Supporting Enterprise Adoption of Internet of Things

    Avasant’s RadarView™ Recognizes the Most Innovative Service Providers Supporting Enterprise Adoption of Internet of Things

    IoT has long been associated with asset tracking and industrial automation. However, various industries are increasingly looking beyond these operational measures and leveraging IoT as a driver for reinventing their business models and developing new revenue streams. IoT combined with other digital technologies has become the first mile as well as the last leg for a data-driven enterprise.

    June, 2020

  • african african american bangkok black blue bridge 1443455 pxhere.com  - The Sharing Economy: Experiences over Ownership

    The Sharing Economy: Experiences over Ownership

    Avasant’s ‘The Sharing Economy: Experiences over Ownership’ article talks about how Sharing Economy brings together resources from around the world to create and deliver goods and amenities, relying on boundaryless, connected communities as well as the concepts of Barrier-free Access and Democratized Egalitarianism.

    April, 2019

  • Robot working on chalkboard scaled - The Digital Transformation Journey: Lessons from a CIO's Perspective Part Two: Approach to Your Digital Transformation Journey

    The Digital Transformation Journey: Lessons from a CIO’s Perspective Part Two: Approach to Your Digital Transformation Journey

    Avasant’s The Digital Transformation Journey: Lessons from a CIO's Perspective Part Two: Approach to Your Digital Transformation Journey discusses key characteristics of a firm which can embark on a successful implementation of digital strategy and the steps required to do so, including optimal operational efficiency, customer service improvement, disruptive capability and more.

    April, 2019

  • Robot thinking and looking outside scaled - The Digital Transformation Journey: Lessons from a CIO's Perspective Part One: The Challenges Faced by Organizations

    The Digital Transformation Journey: Lessons from a CIO’s Perspective Part One: The Challenges Faced by Organizations

    Avasant’s The Digital Transformation Journey: Lessons from a CIO's Perspective Part One: The Challenges Faced by Organizations paper discusses challenges faced by organizations including increasing costs, siloed environments, prevalent usage of legacy applications and more.

    April, 2019

  • communication 1927697 1920 - Enterprise Internet of Things Trends Shaping the Market

    Enterprise Internet of Things Trends Shaping the Market

    Avasant’s ‘Enterprise Internet of Things Trends Shaping the Market’ whitepaper discusses trends shaping the market such as data-driven business and Industry 4.0 enterprise transformation, enterprises across industries taking IoT use cases to scale production, and more.

    April, 2019