Factors Behind the Decline in Application Development Staffing
The way that enterprise applications are internally developed and maintained has changed, causing the ratio of application developers to dip again for the third straight year. App developers are some of the highest-paid IT personnel, so it is vital that IT leaders periodically assess this staffing ratio. This research byte summarizes our full report, Application Developer Staffing Ratios.
February, 2021
Application Developer Staffing Ratios 2021
The way that enterprise applications are internally developed and maintained has changed. With these changes, the need for application developers is in flux, and IT organizations can benefit from a periodic assessment of their staffing levels. This report uses three metrics to make that assessment: developers as a percentage of the IT staff, users per developer, and applications per developer. We provide benchmarks for the composite sample, by organization size and by sector. We also provide a benchmark for the larger Application Group, which includes personnel engaged in web development and support, quality assurance, data management, and business systems analysis.
February, 2021
Application Development Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience 2014
The frequency of application development outsourcing has leveled off after a post-recession rise, and the customer experience remains poor. In light of current trends, this study is designed to help IT executives compare their application development outsourcing strategy with other IT organizations. The study uses three metrics to measure outsourcing activity: it determines how many organizations outsource application development (frequency), how much of the workload is typically outsourced (level), and the change in the amount of work being outsourced (trend). We also measure the cost and service experience of companies that outsource this function, and determine how outsourcing activity and experience vary by organization size and sector. (16 pp., 8 fig.) [Research Byte]
February, 2014
Application Development Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience 2013
This study is designed to help IT executives compare their application development outsourcing activity and experience with other IT organizations. The study uses three metrics to measure outsourcing activity: it determines how many organizations outsource application development (frequency), how much of the workload is typically outsourced (level), and the change in the amount of work being outsourced (trend). We also measure the cost experience and service experience of companies that outsource this function, and determine how outsourcing activity and experience vary by organization size and sector. (16 pp., 8 figs.) [Research Byte]
February, 2013
Application Development and Maintenance Staffing Ratios
With the changing environment, the need for programmers is in flux and IT organizations can benefit from periodic assessment of their application development and maintenance staffing levels. This study uses three metrics to make that assessment: application development and maintenance staff as a percentage of the IT staff, users per application development and maintenance staff member, and applications per application development and maintenance staff member. We provide benchmarks for the composite sample, by organization, and by sector. We also provide benchmarks for the larger Application Group, which includes web development and support, quality assurance and testing, and data management personnel and business systems analysts. (19 pp., 7 figs.) [Research Byte]
January, 2013
Application Development Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience 2012
As IT organizations renew capital spending, IT managers again will be faced with deciding whether to build internal development capabilities or outsource application development. This report will help IT managers understand how many organizations outsource application development, how much of the workload is typically outsourced, and what the cost and service experience is for companies that outsource this function. The study also assesses outsourcing by organization sector and size and the frequency and level of offshore outsourcing (19 pp., 14 figs.) [Research Byte]
March, 2012
Application Development and Maintenance Staffing Ratios 2012
Application developers make up the single largest job category in the IT organization today. The number of application programmers and systems analysts as a percentage of the typical IT organization has been in decline, however. What is the typical staffing level? This study uses three metrics to make that assessment: application developers as a percentage of the IT staff, users per application developer, and applications per application developer. We provide benchmarks for the composite sample, by organization, and by sector. We also provide benchmarks for the application group, which includes not only programmers but also business analysts, web developers, and data warehouse personnel. (19 pp., 11 figs.) [Research Byte]
February, 2012
Application Development and Maintenance Staffing Ratios 2010
Application development and maintenance personnel make up the single largest job category in the IT organization today. However, these application programmers and system analysts appear to be declining as a percentage of the total IT staff. This study will help IT managers determine whether their organizations are keeping pace with the industry by comparing their application staffing against industry benchmarks. We assess two basic metrics: application personnel as a percentage of the IT staff, and the number of users per application staff member. We provide benchmarks for the composite sample, by organization, and by sector. We also report on the three-year trend in the staffing of this function and the influence of outsourcing on staffing ratios. (19 pp., 10 figs.) [Research Byte]
March, 2010
Application Development Outsourcing Status and Trends
Application development outsourcing declined sharply over the past year, although the economy, rather than disappointment with service providers, was the primary culprit. As organizations renew capital spending, IT managers will again be faced with the decisions on whether to hire or outsource. This report will help IT managers understand how many organizations outsource application development, how much of the workload is typically outsourced, the percentage of organizations suffering cost overruns, the percentage turning to offshore service providers for application development, and the trend in offshore outsourcing. (16 pp., 11 figs.) [Research Byte]
January, 2010
Application Portfolio Management: Adoption Low Despite Value
Although the benefits of application portfolio management (APM) are strong, adoption has been slow to date. For IT managers considering APM, this report presents six critical steps on the road to APM implementation. We also examine current adoption trends by organization size and selected industry sectors, discuss the key benefits of APM, and conclude with a discussion of the obstacles and issues that IT managers need to consider when incorporating APM into their IT governance processes. (10 pp., 4 figs.) [Executive Summary]
January, 2009
Application Developers Getting Largest Pay Hikes
IT salaries will increase by over 5% in 2008, with applications developers leading the list of jobs with the greatest percentage gain. This Research Byte analyzes the factors driving these salary increases in light of current trends in application development staffing and outsourcing levels.
October, 2007
Is Code Reuse Cost Justifiable?
When nothing but custom software will satisfy the business need, managers should consider the possibility of developing the code in a fashion that is readily reusable. The possibility of spreading the development cost over multiple uses of some of the code reduces the total cost. If projects can apply the reusable code, they also can usually reduce their risks.
October, 2003
Application Development Contract Rates 3Q02
This article shows commonly charged hourly contractor rates for application development, for Q3, 2002. The rates were collected from a variety of sources and clients. It also provides the average rate per position across all contractors.
September, 2002