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  • IT Staffing - Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Staffing Ratios

    Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Staffing Ratios

    For businesses today, properly scaling business intelligence applications while controlling support costs is a difficult challenge. This study provides benchmarks for staffing the data warehouse (DW) and business intelligence (BI) functions. We provide the ratio of DW/BI staff to total IT staff for the composite sample and by organization size and sector. We also present two other metrics for benchmarking this function: applications per DW/BI staff member and terabytes of storage per DW/BI staff member.(19 pp., 11 figs.) [Research Byte]

    October, 2011

  • IT Staffing - Staffing Ratios for Data Warehouse and BI Functions

    Staffing Ratios for Data Warehouse and BI Functions

    Data warehouses are growing in size, scope, and complexity as they serve increasing numbers of demanding users. For businesses today, properly scaling data warehouse and business intelligence (BI) applications while controlling support costs looms as a key challenge. This study, based on a survey of more than 200 IT organizations, provides benchmarks for staffing the data warehouse, data architect, data analyst, and BI functions. We provide the ratio of data warehouse/BI staff to total IT staff for the composite sample and by organization size. We also provide median staffing ratios by business sector and discuss how to ensure these functions are adequately supported. (11 pp., 6 figs.)[Research Byte]

    November, 2009

  • Technology Trends - In Search of Data Warehousing Success (Jul 2000)

    In Search of Data Warehousing Success (Jul 2000)

    The promise of data warehousing has long outweighed the reality. We receive numerous requests from clients for advice on managing and benchmarking data warehousing projects. We have helped to develop budgets, long-range implementation plans, and determine potential return on investment for several of our clients.

    August, 2002