Database Administration (DBA) Staffing Ratios 2012
Organizations are placing ever-increasing demands on the role of the database administrator (DBA). This study helps IT managers determine whether they are keeping pace with industry standards by providing three benchmarks: DBAs as a percentage of the IT staff, users per DBA, and applications per DBA. We present benchmarks for small, midsize, and large organizations. We also examine the influence of sector on the benchmarks and look at the three-year trend in DBA staffing. (18 pp., 11 figs.) [Research Byte]
February, 2012
Database Administration (DBA) Outsourcing Trends
Database administration (DBA) outsourcing is an often-overlooked strategy for controlling costs related to the maintenance and support of databases. This study examines the percentage of organizations outsourcing database administration (frequency), the average amount of work outsourced (level), and the change in the amount of work being outsourced (trend). We also present the cost experience, which provides insight into the risk IT organizations take in turning to outside service providers. This statistic measures the percentage of organizations that find database administration outsourcing costs more, the same, or less than expected. We also show how these trends differ by organization size and sector and examine the role played by offshore service providers.(19 pp., 13 figs.) [Research Byte]
July, 2010
Database Administration (DBA) Staffing Ratios 2010
Organizations are placing ever-increasing demands on the role of the database administrator (DBA). This study will help IT managers determine whether they are keeping pace with the industry by comparing their database administration staffing against industry benchmarks. We assess two basic metrics: database administrators as a percentage of the IT staff and terabytes of storage per DBA. We provide these benchmarks for the composite sample, by organization, and by sector. This report also highlights the three-year trend in the staffing of the DBA function and the influence of outsourcing on DBA staffing ratios. (20 pp., 10 figs.) [Research Byte]
April, 2010
Database Servers Up Productivity
Among the most promising features of new products in the database server pipeline is better support of web services. Computer Economics estimates that migrating from ten-year-old order entry systems to modern versions, companies can cut costs by 50% or more. The savings come from a combination of less expensive hardware and efficiencies of scale in data entry.
September, 2003