IT Security Spending Benchmarks
Although IT security spending as a percentage of the IT budget is flat year over year, the trend has been upward over the past four years. This study establishes benchmarks that enable organizations to assess their spending on IT security software, hardware, and services. The benchmarks include IT security spending as a percentage of the IT budget and IT security spending per user. We examine the four-year trend in these benchmarks as well as variances by organization size and sector. We conclude with recommendations for optimizing IT security costs and ensuring the budget is spent effectively. (19 pp., 10 fig.) [Research Byte]
September, 2016
Comparative Analysis of IT Spending by Energy Utilities
Gas and electric utilities make considerable investments in information technology. In this study, we take a special look at IT spending and staffing in the utility sector by comparing key, high-level metrics against a broad sample of organizations. For the comparative analysis, we use three measures of IT intensity: IT spending as a percentage of revenue, IT spending per user, and application spending per user. To determine where spending differs, we break down IT spending into five functional areas: IT management, applications, data center, network, and end-user support. We also examine IT staff headcount by those same functional areas. (14 pp., 6 figs.) [Research Byte]
May, 2012
Disaster Recovery Spending Benchmarks
How much should an IT organization be spending on its disaster recovery efforts? In this study, we look at DR spending per user, per server, and as a percentage of the IT operational budget. We also examine differences in DR spending by organizational size and sector. Finally, we assess how many organizations are periodically testing their disaster recovery plans, a best practice that is all too often ignored. The metrics provided in this report can be used to benchmark an organization’s disaster recovery spending and testing practices. (15 pp., 10 figs.) [Research Byte]
February, 2011
IT Spending in Recessions: 2009-2010 Forecast
IT organizations and technology vendors alike need to keep an eye on the long-range outlook as they grapple with just how intense the current recession will be. Computer Economics IT spending surveys of nearly 20 years provide insight into how organizations changed their IT spending during the two previous recessions. Although the past is not always a precursor of the future, we find evidence that IT spending should rebound more quickly from the current recession than it did during the tech-led recession in 2001, following a pattern more akin to what occurred after the 1990-91 downturn. This special report provides the data behind our forecast and the rationale for our current outlook. (5 pp. 6 figs.)[Executive Summary]
December, 2008
2008 IT Spending Outlook: Anemic Growth
Although IT operational budgets increased by a healthy 5% this year over 2006 levels, Computer Economics is now detecting a slight bias toward underspending relative to budgets this year. Furthermore, IT executives are now lowering their expectations for increased IT spending in 2008. These trends are most pronounced among large organizations. This article presents the results of our Q4 survey of IT executives and what they mean for the IT spending outlook in 2008. (3 pp., 6 figs.)
November, 2007
IT Budgets as Percent of Revenue at Highest Level Since 1997
Median corporate IT spending in 2006 across all industry sectors in the U.S. and Canada is 2% of revenue, according to the 17th annual Computer Economics IT Spending and Staffing Study. The most recent three year trend for this metric is provided, along with a link to the full report and executive summary.
July, 2006
Ten-Year Trends in IT Spending and Outlook for 2006
This article examines long-term trends in IT spending, based on Computer Economics surveys of several thousand CIOs and senior IT managers in North America over the past 10 years. The long term trend for three key IT spending metrics are documented: IT budget as a percent of revenues, IT spending per employee, and the percentage change of IT budgets year over year. Bottom line: the post-Y2K bust and dot-com collapse in IT spending are now behind us, and IT spending ratios have returned to their long term trend lines. We use these trends to forecast these statistics for the coming year.
February, 2006
IT Security Spending Holds Strong and Steady
Focus on IT security continues to be a major issue for most organizations. Data from our most recent IS spending study confirms that spending on IT security remains strong in this era of cautious IT budget growth.
November, 2005
Improving IT Through Governance
Governance is a decision making and accountability framework for effective business management. Excellent governance is typically found in top performing companies and is a key factor for success. IT organizations are now placing a much greater emphasis on this important management concept, this article includes several elements that should be considered in developing an effective IT governance strategy. Click here to purchase.
November, 2004
Worldwide E-Business Technology Spending Projections 2003 to 2005 (December 2002)
Worldwide e-business spending will reach $80.5 billion in 2003. The United States will account for $33.5 billion of the worldwide total.
December, 2002
E-Commerce and Computer Network Data from the U.S. Census Bureau (October 2002)
The latest data estimates retail e-commerce sales for 1Q02 at $9.849 billion, an increase of 19.3% from 1Q01.
October, 2002
IS Staffing Trends 1997-2000 (Dec 2000)
Our analysis of IS staffing trends over the last four years shows that there has been an increase in the percent of staff in help desk functions and a shift of staff from applications programming positions into e-commerce positions. The percentage of IS help desk staff have increased from six percent in 1997/98 to ten percent in the year 2000.
August, 2002
IS Budget Trends (Feb 2002)
Computer Economics has conducted annual benchmarking studies of IS budgets and technology trends since 1990. This analysis examines data from three key benchmarks for the last three years and the last decade. The areas analyzed are budget changes, central IS budgets as a percent of revenue, and central IS budgets allocations.
May, 2002
Worldwide E-Business Technology Spending Projections 2001 to 2003 (Feb 2001)
This report shows projected E-Business Technology spending by major category of spending. Industry sector spending in the United States is shown for the major spending categories in organizations that have over 100 employees. Spending by major category is also shown for organizations that have 10 to 100 employees and those that have one to nine employees. In addition, projected spending is shown for the European, Latin America, and Asia/Pacific regions by category.
May, 2002
Expected Budget and Staffing Trends in Manufacturing Companies (Jun 2001)
Computer Economics has conducted annual benchmarking studies of IT budgets and technology trends since 1990. This analysis examines data from five key benchmarks for the last five years, benchmarking results from the 2001 study, and what we expect to occur during the next two years. The areas analyzed are budget changes, central IS budgets as a percent of revenue, central IS spending per employee, workers supported per IS employee, and the growth or reduction in IS staff.
May, 2002