IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2019/2020: Chapter 14: Construction and Trade Services Sector Benchmarks
Chapter 14 provides benchmarks for construction and trade services companies. The 28 respondents in the sample range in size from about $52 million to $9.9 billion in annual revenue. The category includes engineering and construction companies; commercial, residential, and industrial construction contractors; oil field services firms; firms that provide mining services; environmental services firms; and other construction and trade services firms. [Full Study Description]
July, 2019
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2018/2019: Chapter 14: Construction and Trade Services Sector Benchmarks
Chapter 14 provides benchmarks for construction and trade services companies. The 26 respondents in the sample range in size from $40 million to $9.9 billion in annual revenue. The category includes engineering and construction companies; commercial, residential, and industrial construction contractors; oil service firms; firms that provide mining services; environmental services firms; and other construction and trade services firms. (80 pp., 51 fig.) [Full Study Description]
June, 2018
Measuring Success: Professional Portal Metrics
Professional portals have become attractive online projects as many organizations scramble to create a productive Internet presence. However, it is important that the managers of these projects ensure future profitability. To help managers measure the potential success of their organization's professional portal, Computer Economics has created several metrics that assess the new portal in terms of its accomplishments in commerce, communications, and operations and support.
August, 2002
Design Considerations for Membership Organization Websites
There are very few examples of membership organizations with well-designed websites. Currently, the front pages of many organizations' sites simply have a navigation bar on the left side with blocks for buttons that begin at the top of the screen and continue down. Surprisingly, community features are usually lacking on these sites, which usually represent a membership body--a natural community. This article provides suggestions for enhancements that can help organization websites better serve their members.
August, 2002
Why Web Content Should Not Be Free
Free Internet service, free music, even free PCs. Why wouldn't web users begin to think that everything on the Internet will eventually be free? There is a widespread belief in the web industry that the only truly Internet-based business model is one where web users pay nothing for content. It's time to update that model.
August, 2002
E-Sales Intelligence Reports for 1Q01: Professional and Trade Services Industry (Jan 2001)
This is an e-sales intelligence report for 1Q01, professional and trade services industry company NewHomes.com., Inc.
August, 2002
E-Sales Intelligence Reports for 4Q00: Professional and Trade Services Industry (Jan 2001)
This is an e-sales intelligence report for 1Q01, professional and trade services industry companies NewHomes.com., Inc., korn?Ferry International's Futurestep, and priceline.com.
August, 2002