UCaaS Platforms 2021–2022 RadarView™
The UCaaS Platforms 2021–2022 RadarView™ addresses the need for enterprises to replace their telephony infrastructure with a modern cloud communication platform and identify the right UCaaS providers to partner with. The 56-page report also provides our point of view on how UCaaS platform providers are catering to the changing needs of organizations through a wide portfolio of products and services, thus delivering a general ranking based on key dimensions of product maturity, enterprise adaptability, and innovation road map.
November, 2021
Unified Communications Transitioning from Business Continuity Tool to Strategic Must-Have
Unified communications as a service (UCaaS) proved vital as a business continuity tool during the pandemic. With enterprises seeing the potential, they are now going beyond isolated applications toward integrated tools directly into business critical applications like customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP). The new strategic role of UCaaS can make workers more efficient and facilitate enterprise-wide collaboration
November, 2021
Unified Communications Adoption Trends and Economic Experience
In this report, Constellation Research Group analyst Elizabeth Herrell, an expert in business communication technology, assesses trends in unified communications. Herrell presents current data on worldwide enterprise adoption of this multifaceted technology by global region, sector, and organization size along with the economic experience of enterprise adopters. In her analysis of the latest Computer Economics survey data, Herrell presents her predications on near-term technology trends and gives IT executives advice on planning and implementing solutions in this rapidly advancing technology area. (16 pp., 10 figs.) [Research Byte]
September, 2011
Unified Communications Adoption and Experience
This study shows that early adopters are achieving positive results with unified communications, both in return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO). Risk appears low, due to predictable costs. While this technology is still early in its adoption cycle, our research points to rising interest. This article assesses the growth in unified communications by analyzing current adoption and investment activity and provides a view of the ROI and TCO experienced by adopters. We also examine adoption and investment rates by organization size and sector. (13 pp., 7 figs.) [Research Byte]
August, 2011
Predictable Costs Positive Sign for Unified Communications
Early adopters of unified communications systems are achieving positive results. Risk appears low thanks to predictable costs. We also find that while this technology is still early in its adoption cycle, our research points rising interest. This article assesses the growth in unified communications by analyzing current adoption activity and provides a view of the return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) experienced by early adopters. We examine adoption, ROI, and TCO by organization size and sector, as well as for the composite sample. (15 pp., 10 figs.)[Executive Summary]
May, 2009