Avasant Foundation partnered in 2015-2016 with the Rockefeller Foundation on its Digital Jobs Africa (DJA) Initiative to create jobs for over 1300 disadvantaged youth through Impact Sourcing. AF held workshops for 62 leading ICT companies on the benefits of employing disadvantaged youth, and in effect, helping to end poverty through intentional hiring practices. Youth hired in entry- level ICT service work across Egypt, Kenya, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa gain a 40-200% increase in income and a drastic improvement to their community’s quality of life.

Avasant Foundation now continues its partnership with Rockefeller Foundation as an associate member of the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition. The Coalition brings together the world’s leading companies to catalyze new, sustainable employment opportunities and skills training for African youth and especially in the ICT sector.
“Not only does impact sourcing benefit the worker- who might not have other means of employment- it helps connect businesses with the workforce they need to strengthen…and cultivate a workforce of trained, talented, motivated and committed employees.”
–Judith Rodin, President, The Rockefeller Foundation