Nearly Half of IT Managers Not Paying Utility Bill

March, 2008

(IRVINE, Calif.) For all the recent talk about energy conservation, many IT organizations do not see data center power and cooling expense in their IT budgets.

According to a Computer Economics survey, about 44% of all IT managers reported that their IT budgets did not include utilities, despite the fact that data centers are among the most energy-intensive operations in any organization.

“If organizations want IT to get serious about purchasing more energy-efficient technology, they need to provide an incentive in the form of charging utility costs back to the operations that consume the energy,” said John Longwell, research director for the IT research and advisory firm. “As is, IT managers are more concerned with scalability, availability, and reliability. Energy efficiency is not at the top of their lists.”

The full report, Holding IT Accountable for Energy Costs, analyzes current IT budget practices for power costs and identifies ways in which IT managers could benefit from including utilities costs in their budgets.