Web/E-Commerce Staffing Ratios 2013

July, 2013


Staffing for web and e-commerce functions appears to be rising after a long period of stability. The rise is slight and manageable. Still, e-commerce sales continue to grow, and investments in cloud architecture, mobile applications, and social networking are placing new demands on web and e-commerce functions. In this study, we provide benchmarks for staffing functions related to web and e-commerce development and operations. We benchmark web staffing with three ratios: web/e-commerce staff as a percentage of the IT staff, users per web/e-commerce staff member, and applications per web/e-commerce staff member. For organizations with less division of labor, we also assess the size of the web support staff as a percentage of all personnel engaged in supporting and developing applications. Finally, we examine the influence of sector and organization size on web staffing. (16 pp., 8 figs.)
[Research Byte]