Digital BPO Innovations is in its 4th year and is newly re-focused around the impact of Digital on BPO, to help industry leaders get together to discuss and strategize how the industry is rapidly evolving and enabling organizations to transform into digital enterprises. With a focus on the next wave of innovative technology trends and business models, this conference provides a beacon for sourcing and business executives to make strategic decisions and enable successful business outcomes.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
8:00AM – 6:30PM
Eastern Time
Bohemian National Hall
321 East 73rd Street
New York, New York 10021
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Founded in 1993, The Outsourcing Institute is the largest neutral professional association dedicated solely to technology & outsourcing, comprised of more than 74,000 professionals worldwide and providing information, research, networking opportunities and customized outsourcing solutions to the industry. The Outsourcing Institute is the go to source for best practices, trends, tools, advice and events for all categories including IT, Business Processes, HR/RPO, Call Center and Finance, as well as Process Automation through our sister company, The Institute for Robotic Process Automation.
If you have general questions on any of our upcoming events or would like to be added to our pre-registration list, email