Avasant Digital Forum: Leveraging Enterprise AI: Real Business Value at Scale

January, 2021

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Leveraging Enterprise AI: Real Business Value at Scale

Business leaders know that there is a wealth of insights locked up in their data. But data analysts are often overwhelmed with the burden of gathering, cleansing, and transforming that data, leaving little time to gain the insights that drive business value.  This is where AI can help. AI can reveal hidden patterns and insights in your data, unlocking new opportunities for revenue growth or cost savings. But scaling AI so that it becomes a part of business operations can be a challenge. AI needs to be maintained so that models do not grow stale, and it needs to be tuned to specific industries in order to get the most value. The digital forum will feature a frank discussion between experts who have overcome some of the biggest challenges in AI and analytics. Topics will include: 
  • Creating a culture of data-driven decision making
  • Unlocking data insights to power business operations and growth
  • Scaling AI for long-term gains
  • Maintaining AI models to retain value
  • How industries and enterprises are harnessing AI to create realizable value across their organizations