According to Computer Economics’ 2003 Information Systems Spending study, nearly half of all organizations have embraced a server consolidation strategy. As Figure 1 shows, 31% of IS departments are currently implementing a server consolidation initiative, while another 18% have recently completed a consolidation effort.
This high adoption rate indicates that many organizations believe server consolidation initiatives can deliver a very positive ROI and, when properly managed, this has proven to be true. Server consolidations can help lower the IT operational run rate, simplify system management/administration, decrease downtime, and provide many other tangible and intangible benefits.
The key is to develop a consolidation strategy that is extremely well constructed and can be executed without significantly impacting the production environment. This will require proper funding, full management commitment, strong project management, and the talents of skilled technicians. Not an easy proposition, but the high value of this strategy can be well worth the effort.
June 2003
The 2003 Information System Spending study is now available. This important tool has assisted hundreds of senior IT managers in making critical budget and technology forecasting decisions for almost 15 years. To order your copy, contact us at 1-800-326-8100, ext. 123.