Sourcing Advisory
Sourcing Drivers 2011: Realigning Business for the New Normal
Anupam Govil & Ashwin Waghela
Jan 2011
Organizations are pursuing outsourcing today to gain more than just cost savings. But will the same old sourcing strategies be relevant in a world where the economy is in constant turbulence? In this note we take a look at the Top 5 Sourcing Drivers for 2011 that we believe will help unlock greater value for your organization and form the basis of more sustainable sourcing practices.
Over the last decade, organizations have realized that outsourcing delivers more than cost savings- if implemented right; it can lead to agile and competitive business that can take on new market challenges. There are many organizations that have used outsourcing effectively and have created significant long term value for themselves. But as another year rolls by and with the economy still running on half throttle, it is clear that the changed business and market conditions will become the new normal. On the supplier side, the landscape has undergone significant shifts, with the rise of new and maturing destinations, rapid vendor consolidation, evolution of cloud based services, and proliferation of more transformative sourcing models.
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