The Impact of COVID-19 on IT Budgets in 2020

July, 2020


The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has led to a worldwide recession, with a significant impact on IT budgets. Because our current IT spending benchmarks adjust based on levels of business activity, they can still be applied in times of economic decline. Nevertheless, many IT leaders want to understand how IT spending is being influenced by current pandemic and economic conditions. Based on our special survey, this report outlines how the pandemic is affecting IT operational budgets, IT capital budgets, IT staff head counts, compensation, outsourcing, budgets for new projects, and the use of the public cloud. We also report how long IT leaders expect it will take for their budgets to recover from the current recession. We also forecast expected IT spending cuts by industry for all of 2020, along with our recommendations for IT leaders in managing their spending through the crisis. (22 pp., 11 fig.)