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Get Access to Our IT Spending Metrics

2024 2025 ISS cover - Get Access to our IT Spending Metrics

Our IT Spending Survey is now underway, and we’re looking for additional qualified respondents.
If you are an IT executive or IT manager with access to your organization’s IT budget, please apply for the survey by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

What’s in It for You?

If you qualify to participate and you complete the online survey, we’ll send you the following research publications, at no charge—over $15,000 in value!

  • The IT Spending Composite Benchmarks (Chapter 2) resulting from this survey, which will allow you to compare your IT spending and staffing ratios to those of the composite sample—useful for benchmarking your IT budget (value $4,950).
  • A 12-month subscription to our Research Report of the Month–including our top metrics on IT staffing ratios, outsourcing statistics, technology trends, and more–delivered straight to your inbox each month (value nearly $12,000).


To qualify to take the survey:

  • You (or someone reporting to you) must be able to answer questions about your IT organization’s budget and headcount. Typically, this would be an IT executive, or someone that participates in the IT budgeting process.
  • Your business must have at least $50 million (USD) in annual revenues.
  • Your business should have at least some operations in the US, Canada, or Europe.

If we accept your application, we will send you an email with a link to the online survey. The survey will require about one hour of your time.

Privacy Guarantee: Avasant’s Computer Economics has been conducting surveys like this since 1990. As with all of our surveys, all information submitted is held in strict confidence and will not be disclosed except in aggregate statistics with other organizations. We do NOT give or sell survey data to third-parties for sales and marketing or any other purpose. Privacy Policy