Digital Workplace Services 2023 Market Insights™

August, 2023


Report Summary

This report identifies key demand-side trends in the digital workplace services space, helping enterprises fine-tune their digital workplace adoption strategies. It consists of key trends and enterprise challenges in this space based on Avasant’s assessment.

Why read this Market Insights?

The 2–3-day work-from-home model has gained acceptance with the evolution and maturity of hybrid work three years after its inception in 2020. Enterprises now prioritize monitoring, managing, and enhancing employee experiences at all workplace touchpoints, encompassing devices, applications, and physical locations. This shift has led to a greater focus on outcome-based agreements, with enterprises emphasizing experience-level agreements (XLAs) and the use of digital technologies such as AI/ML, IoT, and automation, fostering a work environment that promotes productivity, collaboration, and employee satisfaction.

The Digital Workplace Services 2023 Market Insights™ aids enterprises in identifying important market trends and insights in digital workplace services.


The industry insights and recommendations presented are based on our ongoing interactions with enterprise CXOs and other key executives, targeted discussions with service providers, subject matter experts, and Avasant Fellows, along with lessons learned from consulting engagements.

Table of contents

About the report (Page 3)

Executive summary (Pages 4–7)

    • Defining digital workplace services
    • Key enterprise digital workplace trends shaping the market
    • Avasant recognizes 26 top-tier providers offering digital workplace services

Demand-side trends (pages 8–17)

    • Key enterprise trends in digital workplace services
    • Organizations formalize hybrid work models; however, employee experience and other challenges persist
    • To bridge the gap between IT, business, and employees, companies are pivoting toward outcome-based models
    • The adoption curve of digital workplace services plateaus as the market matures
    • Generative AI presents a new opportunity to further transform the digital workplace
    • Employee experience and collaboration in digital workplaces are boosted with the metaverse
    • Technology providers are leading the way and leveraging in-house assets and vast datasets to train generative AI models
    • Enterprises prioritize workplace sustainability, supporting broader organizational goals

Key contacts (Page 18)

Read the Research Byte based on this report.

Please refer to Avasant’s Digital Workplace Services 2023 RadarView™ for detailed insights on service providers and supply-side trends.