IT Spending and Staffing 2008/2009: Chapter 5, IT Management Best Practices

July, 2008


This chapter provides insights into the stages of adoption for 19 selected management practices. For each management practice, we report the percentage of organizations that are considering, implementing, partially practicing, or fully practicing each best practice. The best practices include IT participation in business strategy, IT steering committee, IT change control board, IT balanced scorecard, multi-year IT strategic plan, benchmarking IT spending and staffing, chargeback of IT costs to user departments, COBIT, IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), ISO 17799 (ISO/IEC 27002), application portfolio management (APM), surveying user satisfaction, publishing IT service level metrics, project management office (PMO), lock-down of user desktop administration rights, active contributions to open source development, standardization of desktop images, standardization of server OS images, and telecommuting for IT staff. (24 pp., 19 figs.)
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