SOA Adoption Rising: ROI Positive But Beware of Costs
For years, organizations have been seeking ways to increase the productivity of application development personnel while improving the quality of their information systems. This study documents an increase in adoption of service-oriented architecture (SOA), as an answer to this dilemma. It breaks down adoption by stages of implementation and organization size, and it takes inventory of ROI and TCO experiences with SOA initiatives. We also look at adoption rates for the competing Java and Microsoft .NET frameworks for developing SOA services. In conclusion, we examine the benefits and challenges of SOA in practice and give advice on how to ensure SOA stays a solid investment in the long run. (11 pp., 7 figs.)[Executive Summary]
January, 2009
.NET vs. J2EE: The Application Infrastructure Battle
The battle continues between the open standard and the Microsoft standard in market application development and deployment technologies. While the lion's share of the application market is built around Sun Microsystems' Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), a growing portion centers on the Microsoft Platform, which relies on Windows, .NET, COM+ and other technologies. This article provides an update on the advantages and disadvantages of each platform, and when and why you need an application server in the first place. The article covers the benefits and the risks of aligning your enterprise architecture with one camp or the other, and suggests ways for making a rational decision.
June, 2004
.Net Takes on Web Services for the Enterprise (1Q03)
If Microsoft stays committed to its current strategy, .Net should become the leader in web-based application development.
January, 2003