Project Management Office Adoption Trends
It has become common for organizations to impose some degree of standardization on their project management processes in an effort to increase success rates. In this study, we examine the trend in adoption of project management offices (PMOs), a best practice that has reached maturity and proved its worth. We present recent practice trends, examine the influence of size and sector on adoption, and provide recommendations for how to measure the success of the PMO. (11 pp., 5 fig.) [Research Byte]
September, 2016
Project Management Office Adoption Trends 2015
It has become common for organizations to impose some degree of standardization on its project management processes in an effort to increase success rates. In this study, we examine the trend toward adoption of project management offices (PMOs), a best practice that has reached maturity and proved its worth. We present recent adoption trends, examine the influence of size and sector on adoption, and provide recommendations for how to measure the success of the PMO. (11 pp., 5 fig.) [Research Byte]
September, 2015
Project Management Office Adoption Trends 2014
The creation of project management offices (PMOs) has become a common practice among larger organizations. In this study, we examine the trend toward adoption of project management offices (PMOs), a best practice that has proved its worth. We present recent adoption trends, examine the influence of size and sector on adoption, and provide recommendations for how to measure the success of the PMO. (10 pp., 5 figs.) [Research Byte]
October, 2014
IT Project Portfolio Management Best Practice Adoption 2014
IT organizations have dozens or even hundreds of ongoing projects at any given point in time with many more “bright ideas” waiting for a green light. Identifying the most important projects and keeping them moving smoothly toward completion requires IT project portfolio management. Our study shows that the majority of organizations have adopted PPM as a best practice. However, less than half of those organizations using PPM have fully implemented this discipline. In this study, we look at PPM adoption trends across time and industry. We also discuss best practices and software tools for managing project portfolios. (16 pp., 5 fig.) [Research Byte]
July, 2014
Project Management Office (PMO) Adoption Trends 2013
With the ever increasing demand for efficiency and turnaround of projects, it has become common for organizations to incorporate some degree of uniformity and common standards when it comes to project management. In this study, we examine the trend toward adoption of project management offices (PMOs), a best practice that has been growing in popularity. We present recent adoption trends for the strategy. We also examine the influence of sector on the adoption rate. (10 pp., 5 figs.) [Research Byte]
March, 2013
Project Management Office (PMO) Adoption and Best Practices
Much of the work in IT organizations is project-based, and the project management office (PMO) has emerged as a best practice in formalizing project management disciplines. In this study, we examine the trend toward adoption of PMOs. The study examines the extent to which IT organizations have deployed PMOs and measures the level of an organization’s engagement in the practice. We also look at how adoption of this IT management best practice differs by organization size and sector. Finally, we provide recommendations for monitoring the success of the PMO. (10 pp., 5 figs.) [Research Byte]
March, 2012
Project Manager Staffing Ratios and PMO Adoption
In this study, we first examine the question of how many project managers a typical IT organization requires. We present three benchmarks by organization size. They include project managers as a percentage of the IT staff, users per project manager, and application developers per project manager. In addition, we report on the adoption of project management offices (PMOs), which is impacting the practice of project management today. We also look at the five-year adoption trend, the current adoption trend, adoption by organization size and sector, and the maturity level of this management best practice. Finally, we provide perspective on how to improve and measure the success of project managers and PMOs. (21 pp., 10 figs.) [Research Byte]
February, 2011
Current PMO Implementation Trends and Effectiveness (2Q03)
Project management has become an increasingly recognizable and necessary function within the IT organization. It has developed into such a distinct discipline that the Project Management Institute (PMI), generally considered to be the leading certification organization, currently has over 100,000 members worldwide. Formalized project management is here to stay.
June, 2003