Digital Talent Capability 2023–2024 Market Insights™

November, 2023


Report Summary

This report identifies key demand-side trends in the digital talent space, helping enterprises fine-tune their talent transformation strategy. It consists of key technology and talent-related trends, insights, and enterprise challenges in this space based on Avasant’s assessment.

Why read this Market Insights?

With rapid digitalization, enterprises are creating a high demand for digital skills in areas such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, data science, and AI/ML. About 43% of organizations increased their spending on AI by more than 25% in 2022, leading to a surge in demand for AI-related skills. The introduction of generative AI is leading to the emergence of new job roles within AI and data, such as prompt engineers, large language model architects, and data curators and trainers. The demand is further enhanced by global capability centers ramping up hiring to access skilled talent in locations like India. This is shifting the enterprise focus toward skills-based talent recruitment and development, wherein hiring and training parameters change from qualifications to skills. The Digital Talent Capability 20232024 Market Insights™ aids enterprises in identifying important market trends and insights into the digital talent space.


The industry insights and recommendations presented are based on our ongoing interactions with enterprise CXOs and other key executives, targeted discussions with service providers, subject matter experts, and Avasant Fellows, along with lessons learned from consulting engagements.

Table of contents

About the report (Page 3)

Executive summary (Pages 4–7)

    • Defining digital talent capability
    • Key enterprise digital talent capability trends
    • Avasant recognizes 21 top-tier providers with robust digital talent capability

Demand-side trends (pages 8–17)

    • Enterprise digital agenda is driving the emerging tech skills demand sky-high.
    • AI adoption across industries is shifting the focus of talent development to skills such as AI product management, ML, and NLP.
    • Generative AI is emerging as a transformative tool to redefine the talent landscape.
    • Online gig work is seeing long-term adoption driven by access to specialized skills and flexible costing options.
    • Organizations are hiring skilled talent in India as they expand GCCs.
    • Enterprises are shifting focus to skills-based models of talent recruitment and development.

Key contacts (Page 18)

Read the Research Byte based on this report.

Please refer to Avasant’s Digital Talent Capability 2023–2024 RadarView™ for detailed insights on service providers and supply-side trends.