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  • Featured image Nasscom - Digital Enterprise 4.0: Digital Persistence Amid Volatility

    Digital Enterprise 4.0: Digital Persistence Amid Volatility

    The Digital Enterprise 4.0: Digital Persistence Amid Volatility report explores end-user enterprises’ evolving digital transformation landscape. It covers various aspects such as technology spend, digital investments, business process transformation, outsourcing decisions, cloud adoption, cybersecurity investments, digital talent strategy, workplace models, and ESG adoption trends. It offers insights into how organizations have adapted to economic challenges, enhanced supply chain efficiency, and approached technology spending cautiously. The report provides valuable findings that span enterprises of varying sizes, sectors, and geographies, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and successfully navigate the complexities of digital transformation in an ever-changing business environment.

    June, 2023

  • RB Product Big 4 - Strategy Consulting and Big Four Partnerships: Mapping strategic alliances and collaborations across industries and regions

    Strategy Consulting and Big Four Partnerships: Mapping strategic alliances and collaborations across industries and regions

    The Strategy Consulting and Big Four Partnerships report presents an overview of the strategic partnerships done by the Big Four firms and strategy consulting companies as they make a bigger push in the Tech and tech Enabled Services. It reflects their efforts to expand their capabilities, reach new markets, and deliver value to their clients in the digital era. Generative AI is a prominent area of focus for these firms as they seek to leverage its potential to automate tasks, enhance creativity, and generate insights across multiple domains and industries.

    April, 2024

  • MicrosoftTeams image 2 - Accelerating Blockchain Adoption in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Accelerating Blockchain Adoption in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Although Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) show great potential to embrace blockchain and reap its benefits, there are challenges to be overcome for blockchain to become drive economic growth and prosperity throughout the region. To overcome these constraints, the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB Lab) in 2019 launched the LACChain global alliance to accelerate the development of blockchain in the LAC region. This report provides an overview of 10 LACChain projects that demonstrate the potential of blockchain to transform the region. We also outline further steps needed for these projects and others like them to achieve full success.

    July, 2023

  • woocommerce placeholder - Market Insights on Strategy Consulting and Big Four: An Analysis of Trends, Revenue, Growth, and Partnerships

    Market Insights on Strategy Consulting and Big Four: An Analysis of Trends, Revenue, Growth, and Partnerships

    This report traces the key business trends among the Big Four and Strategy Consulting firms during the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic periods (FY 2018 to FY 2023) to understand the revenue, head count, and business segment growth within these firms. It also looks at the changing ratios, such as revenue per employee, revenue per partner, and key leadership changes in different sectors. The report also explores in detail the strategic partnerships of different firms by geography, partnerships across different business service lines (ITO, BPO, and Digital), and key technologies in the past 12-18 months to evaluate how these firms are making attempts to focus on growth in the current times. Finally, the report highlights some key developments on the technology front by looking at the progress made in the generative AI (Gen AI) space by some of these organizations to improve their business capabilities and expedite overall growth.

    April, 2024

  • Picture 1 450x450 - Heads Up: Addressing the Specific Device Management Needs of XR Headsets

    Heads Up: Addressing the Specific Device Management Needs of XR Headsets

    Many Fortune 500 companies increasingly rely on AR, VR, and XR (augmented, virtual, and extended reality) devices to train employees, collaborate, perform maintenance, visualize data, run product demos, and more. But traditional mobile device management (MDM) or unified endpoint management (UEM) platforms are not necessarily good for managing AR/VR/XR devices. These headsets have specific management and security needs, and once an enterprise scales its AR/VR/XR program, it needs a platform tailored specifically to these types of devices. Innovative companies like ArborXR have stepped up to fill this need.

    July, 2023

  • NASSCOM India Cover Template Product Image - Digital Enterprise 5.0: Digital Readiness in the Era of AI

    Digital Enterprise 5.0: Digital Readiness in the Era of AI

    The Digital Enterprise 5.0: Digital Readiness in the Era of AI report explores the evolving digital transformation landscape for end-user enterprises. It covers numerous aspects, such as digital enterprise shifts, sectoral digital maturity, digital technology spending, generative AI strategy, digital talent approach, outsourcing decisions, and business strategy. The report offers insights into how enterprises are focusing on competition differentiation rather than cost management while increasing digital spending. It provides valuable findings for enterprises of varying sizes across sectors and geographies, enabling them to make informed decisions and successfully navigate the complexities of digital transformation in an ever-changing business environment.

    April, 2024

  • Cover for Apps 2.0 - IT and Apps Managed Services Provider Trends: Quarterly Report for CQ2 2023

    IT and Apps Managed Services Provider Trends: Quarterly Report for CQ2 2023

    In this quarterly report (calendar quarter 2, 2023), Avasant provides key information on IT and apps managed services provider trends. The report covers key information on the IT services industry and the provider ecosystem. It covers the service provider facts and figures (including revenue and resource trends), macro trends, and executive sentiment from the service provider community. The report covers trends across a gamut of IT services, including but not limited to IT infrastructure, application, and end-user services. The geographic coverage for the report is global. It builds on insights gathered through ongoing market research, data collection, and proprietary databases. It includes market data from providers accessed through multiple sources such as public disclosures, market interactions, and deals data.

    August, 2023

  • Cover for Q4 2023 and CY2023 - Business Process Services – Provider Trends CQ4 2023 and CY 2023

    Business Process Services – Provider Trends CQ4 2023 and CY 2023

    In this quarterly report (calendar quarter 4, 2023) and annual report (calendar year, 2023), Avasant provides key information on trends in the business process services (BPS) space. It covers facts and figures about service providers (including revenue and resource trends), macro trends, and executive sentiment from the service provider community. The geographic coverage is global, with a larger share of data points from North America. The report builds on insights gathered through ongoing market research, data collection, and proprietary databases. It includes market data from providers accessed through multiple sources, such as public disclosures, market interactions, and sourcing data.

    April, 2024

  • Generative AI Special report Product image - Generative AI Idea to Action: Execution Strategies for Enterprises and Service Providers

    Generative AI Idea to Action: Execution Strategies for Enterprises and Service Providers

    This report examines the recent developments in the generative AI field following the introduction of ChatGPT, outlining essential strategies for businesses and service providers to optimize their gains. It delves into the tangible benefits generative AI offers to enterprises and providers, highlighting its transformative impact on outsourcing agreements. This includes novel pricing models and productivity enhancements in IT and BPO services. Furthermore, the report identifies potential opportunities for service providers tailored to the specific needs of enterprises.

    September, 2023

  • Product Image Tech Innovatr 450x450 - Prismforce: Meeting the Needs of the Talent Supply Chain Ecosystem

    Prismforce: Meeting the Needs of the Talent Supply Chain Ecosystem

    IT and tech services companies with hundreds of development projects have always had difficulty matching developer skills with open jobs. One of the companies tackling this talent supply chain morass is Prismforce. Prismforce is a US-India startup that provides a SaaS platform designed to address the talent supply chain challenges faced by IT and tech services. Prismforce has already garnered the trust of over 20 top-tier IT services and tech companies, boasting about 500,000 users on its platform. It is a Tech Innovator to watch.

    June, 2024

  • iStock 1395491781 1 scaled e1697816041355 - Nividous: Unlocking the Potential of Intelligent Automation

    Nividous: Unlocking the Potential of Intelligent Automation

    Traditional RPA systems are at a crossroads. They are too often siloed and difficult to manage. Nividous Software Solutions is an example of a company that is unlocking the potential of RPA with its comprehensive, integrated, and scalable business automation platform—a practical approach to implementing intelligent automation.

    October, 2023

  • Product Image Tech Innovator orchid 450x450 - From Black Box to Easy Answers: App Orchid's AI-Powered Platform Unlocks Insights

    From Black Box to Easy Answers: App Orchid’s AI-Powered Platform Unlocks Insights

    To say that AI is the scorching hot trend of 2024 is a huge understatement, and thus many companies have come to believe that AI projects can be the Holy Grail. But there are many problems that companies face in this regard. However, companies in a market dubbed enterprise decision intelligence (EDI) have emerged to fill this gap. One of the more interesting is App Orchid.

    July, 2024

  • Generative AI Unisys Whitepaper Product Image - Generative AI: The Next Pivotal Point for Productivity and Efficiency

    Generative AI: The Next Pivotal Point for Productivity and Efficiency

    Generative AI is more than a buzzword. It holds genuine transformational potential that resonates with senior executives and employees across industries. It sparks imagination and innovation by promising to automate tasks previously deemed impossible to replicate by machines. From generating human-like text and creative content to assisting in complex decision-making, generative AI drives a paradigm shift in how businesses operate. This transformative technology is not merely hype but a catalyst for redefining productivity and unleashing unprecedented opportunities for growth and efficiency.

    October, 2023

  • RB Featured Image Tech Innovator 450x450 - GAVS and Its AIOps Platform Tackle the IT Quagmire

    GAVS and Its AIOps Platform Tackle the IT Quagmire

    The enterprise computing environment today is more heterogenous and complex than ever. There are multiple computing platforms, combinations of cloud and on-premises infrastructure, and even multiple clouds. This IT quagmire causes many problems and represents a security risk. Into this breach has stepped a discipline known as AIOps. A leading provider of AIOps solutions and a Tech Innovator is GAVS Technologies.

    November, 2023

  • Product image 1 450x450 - Open Innovation - The Catalyst for Transforming India’s Technology Ecosystem

    Open Innovation – The Catalyst for Transforming India’s Technology Ecosystem

    This report, developed in collaboration with nasscom, assesses the status of Open Innovation (OI) in India and its global context. It explores investments and initiatives by the Indian government, industry bodies, and the private sector to promote OI. The report identifies India’s potential to rank in the top 10 for global innovation, emphasizing OI’s role in addressing local needs, fostering inclusivity, and supporting innovative ventures. It provides recommendations for advancing OI and highlights opportunities for collaboration across sectors, including corporates, academia, and government agencies.

    November, 2023