Higher Education Digital Services 2023–2024 Market Insights™

July, 2023


Report Summary

This report identifies key demand-side trends in the higher education space that can help enterprises fine-tune their digital strategies. It also provides an overview of enterprise challenges in the higher education space based on Avasant’s assessment. 

Why read this Market Insights?

To adapt to evolving customer demands, higher education institutes are gravitating toward digital technologies to provide personalized and immersive experiences to students and a blended learning experience. Higher education institutes are leveraging AI, analytics, cloud, and AR/VR to provide customized content and support to students. Institutes are also putting emphasis on lifelong learning and continuing education to enable employees to upskill and reskill throughout their professional journeys. 

The Higher Education Digital Services 2023–2024 Market Insights™ aids higher education enterprises in identifying important market trends and challenges for any digital project that they take part in.


The industry insights presented in this report are based on our ongoing interactions with enterprise CXOs and other key executives; targeted discussions with service providers, subject matter experts, and Avasant Fellows; analyst insights from primary and secondary research; and lessons learned from consulting engagements. 

Table of contents

About the report (Page 3)

Executive summary (Pages 4–7)

    • Defining higher education scope
    • Key drivers and enterprise response
    • Avasant recognizes 10 top-tier service providers supporting the higher education industry in digital transformation

Demand-side trends (Pages 814)

    • Higher education institutes are embracing blended learning and digital technologies to minimize the impact of global challenges.
    • Educational institutes are focusing on adaptive learning and personalization to minimize dropouts and drive efficiencies in learning.
    • Higher education institutes are emphasizing global perspectives and cross-cultural education to embrace inclusion and diversity.
    • Higher education institutes are utilizing emerging technologies to provide a virtual and immersive learning experience.
    • Educational institutes are collaborating with the industry to narrow the talent gap.

Key contacts (Page 15)

Read the Research Byte based on this report.

Please refer to Avasant’s Higher Education Digital Services 2023–2024 RadarView™ for detailed insights on the service providers and supply-side trends.