Virtual and Augmented Reality Show Great Promise Despite Slow Mainstream Adoption
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are emerging technologies that will change the nature of work in many industries. By allowing workers to map out solutions before implementing them in the real world, they minimize human errors and increase worker efficiency. They also support a hybrid work environment, as more use cases emerge for training and collaboration. This Research Byte summarizes our full report, Virtual and Augmented Reality Adoption Trends and Customer Experience.
February, 2022
Virtual and Augmented Reality Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2022
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are emerging technologies with the potential to change the nature of work as more use cases emerge for training, collaborating, and interacting with customers. These technologies are not only emerging but disruptive.
February, 2022
SD-WAN a Pillar for Business and Digital Transformation
The network serves as the backbone for the success of any digital transformation strategy. Incorporating SD-WAN as part of an organization’s digital strategy will improve the agility and flexibility of the network. But despite these benefits, adoption and investment levels for SD-WAN are low. On the other hand, early adopters are experiencing high ROI and TCO success rates. This Research Byte summarizes our full report, SD-WAN Adoption Trends and Customer Experience.
February, 2022
SD-WAN Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2022
Software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN) has evolved from a technology designed to reduce costs and enhance operational efficiency to being a crucial element in business sustainability. It is a fundamental pillar for business and digital transformation. This study quantifies the current adoption and investment trends for SD-WAN as well as the benefits driving companies to expand their SD-WAN implementations. We assess these trends by organization size and sector. We also look at the ROI and TCO experiences of adopters along with current investment levels. We conclude with practical advice for planning new investments in SD-WAN and associated services.
February, 2022
Cloud Costs Can Escalate Rapidly due to Poor Governance Practices and Management
This infographic briefly outlines challenges to Hybrid Enterprise Cloud adoption in terms of demand, technical, and legacy challenges. Learn more in the full Avasant Hybrid Enterprise Cloud 2018 RadarView™ Report.
May, 2019
Hybrid IT Environments: The New Normal for Enterprises
This infographic outlines cloud adoption across key enterprise processes and key IT workloads. Read the full Avasant Hybrid Enterprise Cloud RadarView™ report for more insights.
May, 2019