Current Use of IT Contingency Workers 2014
As a percentage of the IT staff, the use of contingency workers has been falling back to more normal levels, thanks to the maturing recovery and greater willingness to bring on regular full-time employees. Nevertheless, the use of contractors among IT organizations remains an important and well-established strategy and one that many IT organizations employed aggressively during the post-recession period. This study helps IT decision-makers understand how organizations are balancing the use of contingency workers with full-time employees in the current environment.(13 pp., 5 figs.) [Research Byte]
October, 2014
Current Use of IT Contract Workers 2013
As a percentage of the IT staff, the use of contract workers has been rising over the past two years amid the sputtering recovery. For large organizations, which make the most use of contractors, the median ratio has jumped dramatically, exceeding pre-recession levels and hitting highs not seen since 1998. IT executives remain reluctant to hire permanent workers, choosing instead to augment their staff with temporary hires. As the recovery matures and the outlook improves, we anticipate the contract labor ratio among larger organizations will fall to a more normal level. However, it also is likely that there will be a new normal, reflecting secular growth that underlies the cyclical trend. (12 pp., 5 figs.) [Research Byte]
October, 2013
Current Trends in the Use of IT Contract Workers
Managing a contract IT workforce is made easier by staffing agencies and vendor management systems, but IT managers must first determine the proper balance between full-time IT employees and temporary help. In this study, we examine the typical use of contract workers as a percentage of the IT staff by organization size and sector. We also examine the four-year trend between 2006 and 2009 to discover how this ratio has changed in light of the economic recession. Further, we examine how the aggressive use of temporary employees relates to staff growth and turnover. The report concludes with our view on current and future trends in contract labor use. (12 pp., 7 figs.)[Research Byte]
February, 2010