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  • IT Staffing - Planning for the Coming Wave of IT Staff Retirements

    Planning for the Coming Wave of IT Staff Retirements

    As the baby-boomer generation ages, a growing number of senior IT professionals are nearing retirement, and many organizations have not fully prepared for the loss of so many leaders and experienced technical staff members. Furthermore, as younger IT staff replace older workers, the demographics within the typical IT shop are changing, leading to a number of "generational issues" (differences between generations in their skills, culture, and experience) that will need to be addressed. This special report, based on our survey of over 150 organizations, documents the extent of these problems by size of organization, highlights the various strategies that IT groups are taking to deal with them, and provides practical recommendations for IT executives to prepare for the coming generational transition of the IT workforce. (13 pp., 20 figs.) [Executive Summary]

    May, 2007

  • IT Salaries - Severance Payments Tumble

    Severance Payments Tumble

    Cash severance payments to employees terminated in 2001 have declined by up to 20% from severance packages awarded in 1997, according to a recent survey.

    August, 2002

  • IT Staffing - Misrepresentation on Resumes

    Misrepresentation on Resumes

    The ADP Screening and Selection Services Hiring Index shows the extent of misrepresentation that exists on people’s resumes. The study also indicates what employers can look for during the hiring process to avoid common hiring risks. Overall, through the years, the Index has shown a consistent trend of high hiring risks. The trends of resume fraud are consistent over the past several years.

    August, 2002

  • IT Staffing - Gender Gap Still Exists Between Men and Women at Work (April 2002)

    Gender Gap Still Exists Between Men and Women at Work (April 2002)

    People throughout North America say that the new generation of professionals lack commitment to their work. But in a study released by Catalyst of Generation X professionals in the United States and Canada, 47% say they would be happy spending the rest of their careers with their current organization, 85% care a great deal about the future of their organization, and 83% say they are willing to go beyond what is normally expected in order to ensure the success of that organization.

    April, 2002

  • IT Staffing - The Meaning of Work (April 2002)

    The Meaning of Work (April 2002)

    According to the October 2001 Xylo Report, Finding Meaning and Purpose in the Workplace, the vast majority of American workers find their work meaningful (92%). Women are more likely than men to find their work meaningful (94% compared to 89%). Older workers are also more likely to find their work meaningful — almost eight in ten respondents (77%) over the age of 55 find their work very meaningful, while less than six in ten (58%) respondents between 18 and 24 do. Married people are seven percent more likely than singles to find meaning in their work (94% vs. 87%).

    April, 2002