Appetite for Mobile Applications Still Strong
More than a decade since the Blackberry and iPhone changed the way mobile workers do their work, investment in an increasingly mobile workforce continues. This Research Byte is a summary of our full report, which covers mobile application adoption and investment trends, providing data on how many organizations have the technology in place, how many are in the process of implementing it, and how many are expanding implementations
March, 2019
Mobile Business Application Adoption and Economic Experience
This study provides metrics for mobile application adoption and investment and reports on customer satisfaction and customer experience with return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO). It also examines what applications enterprises are adapting to the mobile experience as well as the platforms on which they are choosing to develop those applications. Finally, we assess which sectors are adopting mobile applications, and whether those organizations are developing mobile applications in-house, outsourcing the task, or relying on commercial software vendors. (19 pp., 10 fig.) [Research Byte]
June, 2016