SOA Adoption Rising: ROI Positive But Beware of Costs
For years, organizations have been seeking ways to increase the productivity of application development personnel while improving the quality of their information systems. This study documents an increase in adoption of service-oriented architecture (SOA), as an answer to this dilemma. It breaks down adoption by stages of implementation and organization size, and it takes inventory of ROI and TCO experiences with SOA initiatives. We also look at adoption rates for the competing Java and Microsoft .NET frameworks for developing SOA services. In conclusion, we examine the benefits and challenges of SOA in practice and give advice on how to ensure SOA stays a solid investment in the long run. (11 pp., 7 figs.)[Executive Summary]
January, 2009
Legacy System Renewal: Adoption Trends and Economic Experiences
The decision whether to renew or replace legacy applications is an economic one that many IT managers are wrestling with today. In this study, we first assess current adoption and investment rates for legacy system renewal projects, based on our annual survey of about 200 IT organizations. Next, to determine risks associated with legacy system modernization we look at the return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) experiences of organizations that have undertaken such projects. Finally, we examine trends by organization size and conclude with a summation of our findings and key recommendations. (4 pp., 9 figs.)[Executive Summary]
December, 2008
Service-Oriented Architecture: Adoption Trends in 2007
Although the promises of service-oriented architecture (SOA) are great, nearly half of all organizations have taken no steps toward adopting the technology, not even preliminary research. Based on a 2006 survey of nearly 200 senior IT executives, this article analyzes trends in SOA adoption by organization size and industry sector. It discusses the categories of SOA adoption and the reasons why SOA is being deployed more rapidly in certain types of firms. It also provides recommendations for maximizing the benefits of this technology for end-user organizations and IT service providers in light of these findings. (5 pp., 5 figs.)[Executive Summary]
February, 2007
A Phased Approach to SOA
Because rolling out a service-oriented architecture can be a massive undertaking, most companies will be best served by taking a gradualistic approach. This Research Byte provides a brief summary of our full report on this subject.
November, 2005