IT Strategic Planning Adoption and Best Practices
IT strategic planning is essential when the economy is good, as well when facing headwinds. The strategic road map can help an IT organization look beyond the pressures of quarter-to-quarter performance and stay focused on long-term goals, such as corporate growth and expansion, and guide it through periods of technology change. A strategic plan is also needed when major programs, such as an overhaul of legacy systems, require a long-term commitment beyond the current budget year. In this study, we describe the fundamental components of IT strategic planning, and assess current adoption trends by organization size and sector. We conclude with areas that should be addressed in the strategic IT road map. (17 pp., 6 pg.) [Research Byte]
December, 2018
IT Strategic Planning Adoption and Best Practices 2015
In the current environment, IT strategic planning is more essential than ever. The strategic plan can help an IT organization look beyond economic uncertainty, stay focused on long-term goals, and guide it through the accelerating shift to the cloud, a transformation that will provide the flexibility needed to navigate the ongoing volatility in global markets. In this study, we describe the fundamental components of an IT strategic plan, assess current adoption trends by organization size and sector, and outline some key steps for starting the process. (13 pp., 5 fig.) [Research Byte]
October, 2015
IT Steering Committees: No. 1 IT Management Best Practice
IRVINE, CALIF. – Nearly 80% of all IT organizations have steering committees and 69% of those organizations make full use of their committees, meaning the committees meet regularly to align IT’s goals, objectives, and priorities with the needs of the business, according to the Computer Economics IT Management Best Practices 2011/2012 study.
August, 2011
IT Strategic Planning More Important Now than Ever
In the current climate of economic recession, it may be tempting for IT managers to cut funding for strategic planning and devote the savings to more immediate operational needs. Such a view is shortsighted, however. During times of economic uncertainty, strategic planning becomes even more of a necessity. In this study, we describe the fundamental components of an IT strategic plan. We assess current adoption trends for multiyear IT strategic planning for the composite sample, by organization size, and by industry sector. We conclude by making the case for why IT organizations should continue to engage in strategic planning as priorities shift from growth to restraining costs. (10 pp., 3 figs.)[Executive Summary]
June, 2009
IT Spending in Recessions: 2009-2010 Forecast
IT organizations and technology vendors alike need to keep an eye on the long-range outlook as they grapple with just how intense the current recession will be. Computer Economics IT spending surveys of nearly 20 years provide insight into how organizations changed their IT spending during the two previous recessions. Although the past is not always a precursor of the future, we find evidence that IT spending should rebound more quickly from the current recession than it did during the tech-led recession in 2001, following a pattern more akin to what occurred after the 1990-91 downturn. This special report provides the data behind our forecast and the rationale for our current outlook. (5 pp. 6 figs.)[Executive Summary]
December, 2008
Improving IT Through Governance
Governance is a decision making and accountability framework for effective business management. Excellent governance is typically found in top performing companies and is a key factor for success. IT organizations are now placing a much greater emphasis on this important management concept, this article includes several elements that should be considered in developing an effective IT governance strategy. Click here to purchase.
November, 2004
E-Business: Fad or True Transformation? (2Q03)
Exactly where is e-business today? Is it just hype, or is it beginning to add true value to the organization? Are companies moving forward? Are they seeing a competitive advantage with e-business?
April, 2003