Avasant supports Governments,Trade Associations and Private Sector Enterprise in developing growth strategies,attracting investments, catalyzing economic development, and improving brand and positioning. To read Avasant Globalization Research papers, click below.

Drivers of Change in Ethiopia – Growing the IT/BPO sector through leveraging ICT

The changing landscape of IT/BPO industry has led to the emergence of new locations in Africa. Among many African nations, Ethiopia is growing at the rate of more than 10% per annum and is likely to attain the middle-income status by 2025. Leveraging ICT with a focus on capacity building is catalyzing economic prosperity and creating sustainable employment opportunity in the country.

Social Media: Is it relevant for IT Outsourcing Industry

Internet and Information Technology, with the advent of social media, has brought in revolutionary changes in the way individuals and firms interact and transact commerce. The IT outsourcing industry has been taking steps to leverage the immense potential of social media to connect potentials buyers and influence and the contribution it makes to enhance the brand value of the service provider.

Trends Likely to Impact Global Sourcing in 2013

Welcome 2013, a year we anticipate positive change in market dynamics of the global sourcing industry as the cloud of uncertainty around US Presidential Elections disperses, the US economy avoids the “fiscal cliff” and large number of outsourcing contracts come up for renewal and negotiations. While 2012 witnessed market uncertainties amid global financial crisis, this year we expect global investments to show an upward trend.