Internet of Things Services 2019 RadarView™
Internet of Things has enabled enterprises to not only streamline their supply chain but also reinvent new business models, as well as new product and service offerings. Today organizations are recognizing the Internet of Things as an integral technology pre-requisite for a connected enterprise with the power to transform their business and seize new opportunities for growth. The Internet of Things Services 2019 RadarView™ report addresses the need of enterprises to understand the right action points to navigate through the headwinds and gain competitive advantage.
February, 2019
Cybersecurity Services 2019 RadarView™
The Cybersecurity Services 2019 RadarView™ report is aimed at informing enterprises about new developments in cybersecurity, best practices in this space, and Avasant's viewpoint on the future direction of the industry over the next 12 to 18 months. This also provides guidance to the enterprises around the existing service provider landscape as it shortlists 28 out of 42 service providers who have brought the most value to the market over the last 12 months. Accordingly, the service providers are judged on practice maturity, partnership ecosystem, and investments and innovation and are recognized as Leaders, Innovators, Disruptors, and Challengers in this report.
April, 2019
Hybrid Enterprise Cloud Services 2019-2020 RadarView™
The Hybrid Enterprise Cloud Services 2019 RadarView™ report addresses the need of the enterprises to become more aware of the need for IT environment modernization to enable true digital transformation. The report addresses the need of the enterprises to understand the key trends in the hybrid enterprise cloud space and to identify cloud system integrators (Cloud SIs) that can help migrate monolithic applications to the cloud and then manage the resulting environment optimally. Avasant evaluated 41 cloud SIs through a rigorous methodology across key dimensions of Practice Maturity, Partnership Ecosystem, and Investments and Innovation to finally recognize 24 cloud SIs that brought the most value to the market over the last 12 months.
December, 2019
Intelligent Automation Services 2019-2020 RadarView™
The Intelligent Automation Services 2019-2020 RadarView™ report is aimed at helping enterprises transition from RPA to cognitive automation, bring forward the capabilities developed by service providers to enable AI-led automation, and Avasant's viewpoint on the future direction of the industry over the next 12 to 18 months.
December, 2019
From the Plant to the Patient: Innovation in Value Driven Healthcare
Conversely, when stakeholders collaborate early in the patient’s journey, increased lead-time improves production planning and distribution assuring the necessary inventory is available at the optimal time for the patient. This is a win for both cost and quality. Ultimately, every step that streamlines the path from the plant to the patient creates a potential increase in value.
August, 2019
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2019/2020: Chapter 11: Healthcare Services Sector Benchmarks
Chapter 11 provides benchmarks for healthcare services companies. The 42 respondents in this sector include community hospital groups, multiregional hospital systems, healthcare systems, dental service organizations, university hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other healthcare organizations. These organizations range in size from a minimum of about $50 million to $16 billion in annual revenue. [Full Study Description]
July, 2019
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2019/2020: Chapter 27: Hospital Subsector Benchmarks
Chapter 27 provides benchmarks for hospitals. The 30 respondents in this subsector range in size from $60 million to $16 billion in annual revenue. This category includes community hospitals, university hospitals, nonprofit hospitals, health clinics, healthcare systems, and regional healthcare providers. [Full Study Description]
July, 2019
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2018/2019: Chapter 11: Healthcare Services Sector Benchmarks
Chapter 11 provides benchmarks for healthcare services companies. The 41 respondents in this sector include community hospital groups, multiregional hospital systems, healthcare systems, dental service organizations, university hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other healthcare organizations. These organizations range in size from $45 million to $16 billion in annual revenue. (80 pp., 51 fig.) [Full Study Description]
June, 2018
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2018/2019: Chapter 26: Hospital Subsector Benchmarks
Chapter 26 provides benchmarks for hospitals. The 31 respondents in this subsector range in size from $52 million to $16 billion in annual revenue. This category includes community hospitals, university hospitals, nonprofit hospitals, health clinics, healthcare systems, and regional healthcare providers. (50 pp., 30 fig.) [Full Study Description]
June, 2018
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2017/2018: Chapter 11: Healthcare Services Sector Benchmarks
Chapter 11 provides benchmarks for healthcare services companies. The 43 respondents in this sector include community hospital groups, multiregional hospital systems, healthcare systems, dental service organizations, and university hospitals. These organizations range in size from $45 million to $34 billion in annual revenue. [Full Study Description]
June, 2017
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2017/2018: Chapter 25: Hospital Subsector Benchmarks
Chapter 25 provides benchmarks for hospitals. The 31 respondents in this subsector range in size from $109 million to $34 billion in annual revenue. This category includes community hospitals, university hospitals, health clinics, healthcare systems, and regional healthcare providers. [Full Study Description]
June, 2017
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2016/2017: CHAPTER 11: Hospitals and Health Systems Sector Benchmarks
Chapter 11 provides benchmarks for hospitals and integrated health systems. The 32 respondents in this sector include community hospital groups, multiregional hospital systems, and university hospitals. These organizations range in size from $50 million to $16.6 billion in annual revenue. (49 pp., 31 fig) [Full Study Description]
June, 2016
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2015/2016: CHAPTER 7: Healthcare Services Sector Benchmarks
Chapter 7 provides benchmarks for healthcare providers based on our current-year survey. The sector includes hospitals, integrated healthcare systems, specialty healthcare centers, and medical practice groups. The 18 respondents in this sample range in size from a minimum of $50 million to a maximum of $34.0 billion in annual revenue. (48 pp., 28 figs.) [Full Study Description]
June, 2015
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2015/2016: CHAPTER 24: City and County Government Subsector Benchmarks
Chapter 24 provides benchmarks for city and county governments based on the most recent three years of survey data. The 49 respondents in this subsector have annual operating budgets ranging from $46 million to $7.2 billion. (42 pp., 23 figs.) [Full Study Description]
June, 2015
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2014/2015: Chapter 7: Healthcare Provider Sector Benchmarks
Chapter 7 provides benchmarks for healthcare providers based on our current-year survey. The 22 respondents in this sector include hospitals, integrated healthcare systems, specialty healthcare centers, social services, and medical practice groups. For a complete description of all metrics, please see the full study description. (59 pp., 38 figs.) [Full Study Description]
June, 2014