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  • Torc Primary Image - Torc Brings a Targeted, Cloud-Native Approach to Tech Talent Acquisition

    Torc Brings a Targeted, Cloud-Native Approach to Tech Talent Acquisition

    Torc is a software development talent marketplace that leverages an AI-driven engine to match developers and companies worldwide. It’s a Tech Innovator to watch, the first in a new Avasant series on Tech Innovators.

    March, 2023

  • New Tech for Grab Go Shopping 450x450 - New Technologies for Grab-And-Go Shopping

    New Technologies for Grab-And-Go Shopping

    Autonomous, grab-and-go shopping is on the rise worldwide, with retailers searching for solutions to speed up store visits, increase customer satisfaction, boost sales, optimize store layouts, and deal with labor shortages. 

    May, 2023

  • Picture 1 450x450 - Heads Up: Addressing the Specific Device Management Needs of XR Headsets

    Heads Up: Addressing the Specific Device Management Needs of XR Headsets

    Many Fortune 500 companies increasingly rely on AR, VR, and XR (augmented, virtual, and extended reality) devices to train employees, collaborate, perform maintenance, visualize data, run product demos, and more. But traditional mobile device management (MDM) or unified endpoint management (UEM) platforms are not necessarily good for managing AR/VR/XR devices. These headsets have specific management and security needs, and once an enterprise scales its AR/VR/XR program, it needs a platform tailored specifically to these types of devices. Innovative companies like ArborXR have stepped up to fill this need.

    July, 2023

  • iStock 1395491781 1 scaled e1697816041355 - Nividous: Unlocking the Potential of Intelligent Automation

    Nividous: Unlocking the Potential of Intelligent Automation

    Traditional RPA systems are at a crossroads. They are too often siloed and difficult to manage. Nividous Software Solutions is an example of a company that is unlocking the potential of RPA with its comprehensive, integrated, and scalable business automation platform—a practical approach to implementing intelligent automation.

    October, 2023

  • RB Featured Image Tech Innovator 450x450 - GAVS and Its AIOps Platform Tackle the IT Quagmire

    GAVS and Its AIOps Platform Tackle the IT Quagmire

    The enterprise computing environment today is more heterogenous and complex than ever. There are multiple computing platforms, combinations of cloud and on-premises infrastructure, and even multiple clouds. This IT quagmire causes many problems and represents a security risk. Into this breach has stepped a discipline known as AIOps. A leading provider of AIOps solutions and a Tech Innovator is GAVS Technologies.

    November, 2023

  • MicrosoftTeams image 450x450 - Ciklum: Shaping the Future of Custom Product Development

    Ciklum: Shaping the Future of Custom Product Development

    Software and smart sensors are being used increasingly in products and services today. And not just in high-tech products. Even low-tech products are becoming smart products. And organizations in all industries are increasingly leveraging technology to better reach and serve customers, whether it be through e-commerce, mobile apps, or connected devices. As a result, product design, hardware design, and software development must all be done in coordination and collaboration. Ciklum is a leading provider in this custom product development space and is a Tech Innovator to watch.

    November, 2023

  • Product Image 450x450 - LifeSite TokenX: Tracking Physical and Digital Assets with Confidence

    LifeSite TokenX: Tracking Physical and Digital Assets with Confidence

    When it comes to supply chains, customers have become much more demanding. Consumers want the assurance that the products they receive are genuine. They want to be sure that their luxury goods, such as Chanel purses or Rolex watches, are not knockoffs. Enterprises have the same concerns—and then some. One technology to address this need is tokenization, which refers to the process of creating a digital representation of an individual physical asset on a blockchain. LifeSite Tokenx is an interesting vendor in this space and is a Tech Innovator to watch.

    February, 2024

  • Product Image Tech Innovatr 450x450 - Prismforce: Meeting the Needs of the Talent Supply Chain Ecosystem

    Prismforce: Meeting the Needs of the Talent Supply Chain Ecosystem

    IT and tech services companies with hundreds of development projects have always had difficulty matching developer skills with open jobs. One of the companies tackling this talent supply chain morass is Prismforce. Prismforce is a US-India startup that provides a SaaS platform designed to address the talent supply chain challenges faced by IT and tech services. Prismforce has already garnered the trust of over 20 top-tier IT services and tech companies, boasting about 500,000 users on its platform. It is a Tech Innovator to watch.

    June, 2024

  • AR VR v1 450x450 - Virtual and Augmented Reality Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2024

    Virtual and Augmented Reality Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2024

    Businesses are currently in the early stages of adopting virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) solutions. While widespread adoption of VR/AR has not yet fully materialized, businesses are actively experimenting with these technologies.

    February, 2024

  • Product Image Tech Innovator orchid 450x450 - From Black Box to Easy Answers: App Orchid's AI-Powered Platform Unlocks Insights

    From Black Box to Easy Answers: App Orchid’s AI-Powered Platform Unlocks Insights

    To say that AI is the scorching hot trend of 2024 is a huge understatement, and thus many companies have come to believe that AI projects can be the Holy Grail. But there are many problems that companies face in this regard. However, companies in a market dubbed enterprise decision intelligence (EDI) have emerged to fill this gap. One of the more interesting is App Orchid.

    July, 2024

  • PrimaryImage Life Sciences Digital Services 2024 Market Insights - Life Sciences Digital Services 2024 Market Insights™

    Life Sciences Digital Services 2024 Market Insights™

    The Life Sciences Digital Services 2024 Market Insights™ assists organizations in identifying important demand-side trends that are expected to have a long-term impact on any digital project in the life sciences industry. The report also highlights key challenges that enterprises face today.

    February, 2024

  • Product Image Revolutionizing 450x450 - Revolutionizing Gen AI Operations: Portkey’s End-to-End LLMOps Platform

    Revolutionizing Gen AI Operations: Portkey’s End-to-End LLMOps Platform

    Generative AI is now vital in enterprise operations, yet many companies struggle to move projects from proof of concept to production due to the lack of robust model management and orchestration. Large language model operations (LLMOps) offers the tools and practices needed to develop, deploy, and maintain LLMs, providing essential infrastructure for managing their life cycle. Portkey excels in this space, offering a comprehensive LLMOps platform with observability, analytics, prompt management, and more. It positions itself as the only full-stack LLM orchestration platform covering the entire LLMOps value chain, including evaluation, deployment, monitoring, and remediation.

    July, 2024

  • RB Product Image for website - Generative AI: The Vigilant Watchtower for Data Centers

    Generative AI: The Vigilant Watchtower for Data Centers

    Managing data centers strategically is essential to effectively navigate market hurdles in today’s dynamic economy. For an organization, taking advantage of possibilities in spite of economic obstacles is just as important as maintaining security and smooth operation. Nowadays, businesses are dealing with resource constraints, adapting to new regulations and technology, conserving energy, and scaling up or down as necessary. To overcome these hurdles, leading service providers harness generative AI to help organizations manage data centers effectively, especially in monitoring and support services. It greatly benefits customers by automating operations, improving security, and quickly resolving issues, all while supporting data-driven decision-making.

    February, 2024

  • Product Image Shockworks 450x450 - Shokworks' Blockchain Breakthroughs

    Shokworks’ Blockchain Breakthroughs

    Companies are faced with a multitude of technologies to invest in from AI, blockchain, data analytics, automation, and more. But seeing past the technology and understanding how to deploy it to get real-world business results is key. When engaging a provider to help, this becomes doubly important. There are many companies that dabble in blockchain, but few know how to get the best results. One of these is Shokworks Inc., a Dallas-based company that is pioneering creative, viable solutions that span industries, from sports to education to entertainment and more.

    October, 2024

  • RB Featured Image for website 1 1 - Retail Digital Services 2024 Market Insights™

    Retail Digital Services 2024 Market Insights™

    The Retail Services 2024 Market Insights™ assists organizations in identifying important demand-side trends that are expected to have a long-term impact on any digital project in the retail industry. The report also highlights key challenges that enterprises face today in this space.

    March, 2024