Desktop PC Price/Performance Study: 2001-2005
This special report is a comprehensive study of cost and performance trends over the past five years for desktop computers from the major manufacturers: HP/Compaq, IBM/Lenovo, and Dell. This report allows you to: (1) accurately forecast the residual value of desktop computers in use today or planned for aquisition, based on the historical fair market value (FMV) decline curves that are documented in this report, (2) anticipate future vendor pricing strategies, (3) forecast future improvements in PC price/performance (cost/GHz), (4) obtain maximum useful life from current investments in desktop computers by understanding historical useful life, (5) formulate buying strategies by understanding the forecast for Intel processor performance. (134 pp., 32 figs.)[Read the Full Report Description]
December, 2005
What Does 2005 Have in Store for IBM and Hewlett-Packard Users?
The New Year confronts both IBM and Hewlett-Packard customers with questions regarding the future paths of the companies. Based on user surveys and our analysis of the two companies, Computer Economics has developed forecasts of the strategies the two companies will be following in the coming year. The one clear message to both sets of customers is that market forces are continually forcing IBM and HP to recreate themselves in ways that will allow them to fight off growing competition. Click here to purchase. - $125 (USD)
January, 2005