Digital Workplace Services 2021 RadarView™
The Digital Workplace Services 2021 RadarView™ assists organizations in identifying strategic partners for workplace transformation by featuring detailed capability and experience analyses of leading service providers. It provides a 360-degree view of key digital workplace services providers across practice maturity, partnership ecosystem, and investments and innovations, thus supporting enterprises in identifying the right workplace transformation partner. The 97-page report also highlights top market trends in the digital workplace space and Avasant’s viewpoint.
September, 2021
Is Web Usability Worth the Cost (3Q03)
A variety of standards organizations and professional organizations are espousing Web usability techniques and testing. The assessment of site usability is still as much art as science, because the factors that allow individuals to successfully apply the features of a website depend as much on psychology as on factual principles. Despite the challenges involved in upgrading site usability, in most cases positive returns from such investments are realized.
July, 2003