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  • Technology Trends - Social Business/Collaboration Systems Adoption Trends and Customer Experience

    Social Business/Collaboration Systems Adoption Trends and Customer Experience

    Social business/collaboration tools are a vital part of the productivity of the modern workforce. When deployed correctly, organizations have had excellent financial success with these systems. This study quantifies the current adoption and investment trends for social business/collaboration tools, as well as the benefits driving companies to expand their implementations of such systems. We assess these trends by organization size, sector, and geography. We look at the ROI and TCO experiences of adopters along with overall customer satisfaction. We conclude with practical advice for planning new investments in social business systems. (20 pp., 9 fig.)[Research Byte]

    February, 2017

  • Research Bytes - Supply Chain Management in the Era of Social Business

    Supply Chain Management in the Era of Social Business

    Applications for social networking are easy to see in the business-to-consumer space for functions such as sales, marketing, and customer service. But is there also a role for social tools in heavy back-office B2B processes? This Research Byte outlines ways in which principles of social business can be, and are being, applied to supply chain management systems.

    January, 2014

  • Research Bytes - Moving Outside the Box of Enterprise IT

    Moving Outside the Box of Enterprise IT

    Information technology goes far beyond the realm of enterprise IT. New technologies, such as big data, mobile applications, and cloud computing hold promise in addressing many of the world's great problems, while at the same time offering strategic advantage for businesses. Corporate IT leaders, therefore, need to reach outside their narrow focus on ongoing support to incorporate these new technologies to deliver business value.

    June, 2013