Ensuring Project Success a Primary Motivation for System Integration Outsourcing
Many outsourcing decisions are influenced by the need to save money. However, there are some instances where businesses are willing to pay extra for the expertise or operational flexibility that a service provider can deliver. And in the case of system implementation and integration, the primary motivation is to ensure project success. This Research Byte summarizes our full report on System Implementation/Integration Trends and Customer Experience.
July, 2022
Robotic Process Automation Showing Early Encouraging Success
Early adopters of robotic process automation (RPA) are finding positive return on investment and cost certainty, according to the Computer Economics Technology Trends 2019 study. RPA, along with IT security technology and enterprise asset management, is the newest technology to be added to the study, and it appears that despite current low adoption and investment rates, RPA will have a growing role in business in the years to come. This Research Byte provides an overview of RPA adoption trends and economic experience in the context of our full study.
March, 2019