Security and Cloud Skills make Telcos an Interesting Choice for IT Services
As digital transformation initiatives accelerate, telcos are uniquely situated to provide the most vital services and solutions to IT organizations. Cloud and security have been the major drivers of IT budgets for nearly a decade, and this is unlikely to change in the near future. Telcos can take advantage of these growth areas due to their long business relationships and their networking roots. This article builds on findings from the June 23rd and 24th Orange Business Services Analyst Day as well Avasant Research.
July, 2021
Avasant Digital Forum: Building Healthcare’s Digital Future
In recent years, advocates of telemedicine promised increased access to healthcare, better patient outcomes, and reduced costs. COVID-19 became an unexpected large-scale trial for telehealth. Remote patient monitoring, chronic disease management, virtual appointments, and other aspects of digital medicine showed earlier success in those trials. As vaccines and therapeutics reduce the load on healthcare providers, they should not look to return to their previous standards of care. Instead, they should look to continue with digital healthcare in their post-COVID plans.
April, 2021
Avasant Digital Forum: The Age of Cyber Crime: Mitigating the Impact of Data Breaches
The recent Solarwinds breach has shown that cybercrime is a rapidly increasing threat to businesses and has become an inevitability. The business impact can range from loss of data to damaged consumer confidence and significant financial liabilities. While investing in cyber security is critical, there’s a fiduciary responsibility to have a mitigation plan against damage to business reputation and trust from a data breach. It’s important for every company to be prepared to handle the breach lifecycle – from Incident management to Impact assessment, Communication, Breach resolution and Recovery.
March, 2021
Avasant Digital Forum: Securing The Enterprise In The Post Covid World: Next Generation Cyber Defense
As enterprises rapidly shift to Cloud, Agile and Edge computing, their cyber security strategy has to adapt. The pandemic has further escalated the cyber-risks as organizations shifted to Work from Home and virtualized their operations. The Post-COVID enterprise security strategies must include a Cloud-centric model that spans across the extended work boundaries and a hybrid/multi-cloud environment. Securing your data against cyber threats and ransomware in this Extended Enterprise is now one of the most critical priorities.
December, 2020
Cloud Security in the Post Pandemic World: Securing the Extended Enterprise
The Post-COVID enterprise data management strategies must include a Cloud-centric security envelope that spans across extended work environment in this growing hybrid/multi-cloud world. Securing your Data in this Extended Enterprise is now one of the most critical priorities.
August, 2020