Enhancing the Digital Experience: The Power of Next-Gen Apps
As business increasingly moves to digital channels, organizations must more quickly respond to the changing tastes of customers. At the same time, these digital channels throw off huge volumes of data that organizations can use to more effectively reach customers and enhance their digital experiences. But how can organizations ensure that they take advantage of these opportunities?
June, 2021
Avasant Digital Forum: The Workforce of the Future: Diverse, Inclusive and Digital
COVID-19 created worldwide disruption. But with disruption comes opportunity. Lockdowns have shown that working from home is feasible, and in some cases preferable, to the pre-COVID paradigm. In the past year, digital tools have made workers more productive. Those tools have also provided surprising opportunities. Work-from-home has provided flexibility to workers that otherwise could not thrive in the “face time” office culture. Working parents, young people with strong digital skills, and others are thriving in this new work mode.
June, 2021
Avasant Digital Forum: Transforming your Enterprise for the Future of Work
As the Latin America region recovers from the global pandemic, regional businesses and governments are rapidly embracing Digitalization. Digital transformation is a catalyst for this recovery and enables businesses to become more agile and customer centric. Work From Home and Smart Workspaces will become the norm. Organizations need to adopt digital platforms and solutions that allow them to handle the market shifts and rise in digital consumerism
June, 2021
Digital Workplace Services 2020 RadarView™
The Digital Workplace Services 2020 RadarViewTM Report highlights key trends shaping the digital workplace in the short-term and the long run and lays out our view on the road ahead for the enterprises. It identifies key global service providers to assist enterprises in their journey to workplace transformation. The 94-page report also talks about the disruption caused by COVID-19 and the changing nature of digital workplaces.
September, 2020