COVID-19 Driving Growth of Digital Operations
The COVID-19 crisis led to severe disruptions in the global socio-economic structure and adversely impacted enterprises. Enterprises were forced to explore all possible avenues to sustain business operations. While cost optimization was one objective, the focus shifted enabling digital operations. Enterprises that had already outsourced could mitigate the COVID-19 impact better than those keeping operations in-house. BPO service providers reacted quickly, leveraged technology, and developed tailored solutions for seamless business operations. This led the enterprises follow the suite driving double-digit growth in BPO engagements in 2020. These trends are covered in Avasant’s new Business Process Transformation Horizons report.
March, 2021
Business Continuity under a Pandemic Scenario
Pandemics are fundamentally different from the disasters commonly envisioned in disaster recovery and business continuity plans. The most recent threat of the Wuhan coronavirus highlights the fact that most organizations are not prepared for a pandemic scenario. This updated report outlines the specific ways in which pandemics are different from other types of disasters. It suggests three planning scenarios, and it outlines specific actions that IT risk managers should consider to prepare for them. If adequately prepared, the IT group will be able to continue to support critical business functions, and it can provide solutions to help the organization get through a pandemic.
February, 2020
Revisiting the Impact of COVID-19 on IT Organizations in 2020
Our latest survey shows that that a K-shaped recovery of IT spending has begun. Nearly an equal number of companies have increased their IT budgets in response to the pandemic as those that decreased them, with slightly more actually increasing. This report outlines how the pandemic is affecting IT operational budgets, IT capital budgets, IT staff head counts, compensation, outsourcing, budgets for new projects, and the use of the public cloud. It also shows trends in working from home.
October, 2020
Coronavirus Impact on IT Budgets Still Coming
Benchmarking IT spending and staffing is a complicated task in the best of economic conditions. Benchmarking in the middle of a global pandemic and recession is even more difficult, but also more important. As we prepare the launch of the 31st edition of our annual IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks report, this is the challenge.
July, 2020
Wuhan Coronavirus Shows Need to Include Pandemic Scenarios in Business Continuity Planning
The Wuhan coronavirus (nCoV2019) rampaging through China has led to a massive quarantine in that country, the temporary closure of hundreds of schools and businesses, and an extensive travel ban. This latest threat reminds us that most IT organizations have not incorporated countermeasures specifically to deal with pandemic scenarios.
February, 2020
IT Budgets Show K-Shaped Recovery
A new special survey by Computer Economics in August through September, 2020 shows a K-shaped recovery from the pandemic has begun. Nearly an equal number of companies have increased their IT budgets in response to the pandemic as those that decreased them, with slightly more actually increasing them. This research byte is a summary of the full report Revisiting the Impact of COVID-19 on IT Organizations in 2020.
October, 2020
Re-Imagining Higher Education through Virtual Learning and Disruptive Technologies
COVID is accelerating Hybrid learning and Flex learning business models. How can technology help us teach and learn differently?
August, 2020
Digital Masters 2020 RadarView™
The Digital Masters 2020 RadarView™ report addresses the need of enterprises to understand the larger tech-enabled transformation imperative, and to identify implementation services providers that are best-suited for complex transformation initiatives and provide a granular understanding of each of them. The 84-page report also highlights how the COVID-19 outbreak has driven enterprises to reprioritize their digital investments and redefined client/vendor relationships and provides a perspective on future market dynamics over the next 12 to 18 months.
June, 2020
COVID-19 Impact on IT Organizations and Service Provider Relationships – April 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, IT leaders are asking what actions they should take and what a recovery will look like. The recovery will include reorganization of IT service delivery, invocation of force majeure, and renegotiation of support agreements with third parties. This presentation lays out the expected life-cycle stages for the current pandemic and its impact on IT services short-term and long-term. We also outline specific contractual and legal considerations that IT leaders should understand in renegotiating relationships with service providers.
April, 2020