Key Trends Shaping the Workforce of the Future
The workforce of the future has been debated for years but has never been such a hot topic as today, with the Covid-19 pandemic. It is no longer news that the face of the world and the way we do business has irrevocably changed. Instead of the slow and steady climb toward a borderless, digital society, global economies suddenly found themselves launched onto a new trajectory, forced to adapt to survive. We are watching the workplace and workforce of the future take shape, with changing roles, relationships and demands. There has been a rapid shift toward remote work, innovation and automation, enabled by the ubiquity of technology and the digital economy.
July, 2021
Key Budget Trends in Response to COVID-19
Due to the devastating effects of COVID-19 in the first quarter of 2020, the global economy went into a recession. Organizations faced abrupt changes and, for a while, all enterprise investments stood still. However, as the global economy tried to recover, many companies made changes to their operational budgets to respond to the new business landscape. Some changes addressed immediate requirements to keep the business running while others like budgetary changes ensured more long-term viability and growth.
April, 2021
Business Continuity under a Pandemic Scenario
Pandemics are fundamentally different from the disasters commonly envisioned in disaster recovery and business continuity plans. The most recent threat of the Wuhan coronavirus highlights the fact that most organizations are not prepared for a pandemic scenario. This updated report outlines the specific ways in which pandemics are different from other types of disasters. It suggests three planning scenarios, and it outlines specific actions that IT risk managers should consider to prepare for them. If adequately prepared, the IT group will be able to continue to support critical business functions, and it can provide solutions to help the organization get through a pandemic.
February, 2020
COVID-19: Enterprise Resilience Is Tested Like Never Before
With the ongoing pandemic many stories emerged of resilience, responsiveness, and innovation, as many of us are forced to live in the future. People were asked to act against their nature and shift from a collaborative workplace environment to isolation at home, further blurring the lines between work and life. This led to a need to strengthen the digital muscle hinged around remote-first working, cloud acceleration, smart IT operations, and automated business operations. Infosys seems to have already laid down the digital rail tracks which helped boost revenue and profit, reflecting resilience and adaptability of its business model in this time of crisis.
October, 2020
Coronavirus Impact on IT Budgets Still Coming
Benchmarking IT spending and staffing is a complicated task in the best of economic conditions. Benchmarking in the middle of a global pandemic and recession is even more difficult, but also more important. As we prepare the launch of the 31st edition of our annual IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks report, this is the challenge.
July, 2020
IT Budgets Show K-Shaped Recovery
A new special survey by Computer Economics in August through September, 2020 shows a K-shaped recovery from the pandemic has begun. Nearly an equal number of companies have increased their IT budgets in response to the pandemic as those that decreased them, with slightly more actually increasing them. This research byte is a summary of the full report Revisiting the Impact of COVID-19 on IT Organizations in 2020.
October, 2020
Rethinking the Digital Workplace in the Work-From-Home Era
With the future of work changing, the digital workplace has grown in importance. Responding to COVID-19, tens of thousands of companies around the world have adopted work-from-home policies. The trend toward telecommuting was already under way before the coronavirus hit, but the trend skyrocketed as the virus spread. In the wake of COVID-19, enterprises are now figuring out their digital workplace strategies and how to adapt to a hybrid workplace. As organizational priorities change, the digital workplace is getting reshaped, and enterprises are tending to move away from monolithic workplace environments. These and other trends are covered in Avasant’s new Digital Workplace Services 2020 RadarView™ report.
September, 2020
Re-Imagining Higher Education through Virtual Learning and Disruptive Technologies
COVID is accelerating Hybrid learning and Flex learning business models. How can technology help us teach and learn differently?
August, 2020
Envisioning The Future Of Education
The education sector, across both higher education and schools in the US and UK, is in the midst of long-term change that has accelerated with the pandemic in 2020. Technology adoption will be fundamental to the ongoing and impending transformation in the industry. This report identifies the key trends in education and highlights the role of technology in enabling a new future. This report is based on inputs from nearly 90 academic and technology leaders from universities and schools across the US and UK.
August, 2020
How Service Providers Can Help Retailers, CPG Firms Navigate the COVID Seas
In one of the most visible outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic and following recession, more than 8,000 brick-and-mortar stores have closed this year. However, online sales have skyrocketed, growing four times the growth rate of offline sales in the first quarter of 2020.
August, 2020
Strategies for Managing Outsourcing Spend in the Post-COVID World
This Research Byte focuses on strategies for business and IT leaders in managing their outsourcing spend and how they can achieve savings. Using a focused negotiation strategy in the middle of this crisis, IT leaders can avoid a reactionary approach in their discussions with service providers.
August, 2020
Deconstructing the Sourcing Challenges In the Wake Of COVID-19
Organizations can neither influence the public health responses to the pandemic, nor can they change societal structures by themselves. But they can prepare for the restart of the economy and, what appears to be even more important, for any potential second wave of Covid-19 or other pandemic threats. In this interview moderated by Tom Reuner, Head of Strategy, Arago, Avasant’s Srinivas Krishna (Partner and Global Lead EMEA Region) shares his experiences and points of view on the sourcing challenges amidst COVID-19.
July, 2020
How Digital Transformation Will Drive IT Organizations in the Post-Pandemic World
What do IT organizations need to do as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic? The bottom line is that if you are operating consistent with an integrated digital operating model, the post-COVID world should not be much different from the pre-COVID world—except any further digital transformation should be accelerated.
June, 2020
Digital Masters 2020 – COVID-19 Redefining Frontier of Digital Transformation
As IT leaders are aware, cloud systems are essential for digital transformation. That growing awareness is reflected in the surge of public cloud adoption, which grew by about 35% in 2019. But, the advent of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 has accelerated enterprise adoption of cloud and hybrid cloud infrastructure. Many companies are now honing their roadmaps for cloud-led digital transformation and have shown clear intent to accelerate investments. As a result, we expect the growth rate of public cloud services to reach 40%-50% in 2020.. Additionally, we expect adoption of industry-specific, cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions to grow three-fold this year.
June, 2020
COVID-19 Impact on IT Organizations and Service Provider Relationships
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, IT leaders are asking what actions they should take and what a recovery will look like. The recovery will include reorganization of IT service delivery, invocation of force majeure, and renegotiation of support agreements with third parties. Newly updated for April, 2020, this presentation lays out the expected life-cycle stages for the current pandemic and its impact on IT services short-term and long-term. We also outline specific contractual and legal considerations that IT leaders should understand in renegotiating relationships with service providers. (34 slides). [Research Byte]
April, 2020