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  • Outsourcing Frequency Help Desk2 - Agile Development Adoption and Best Practices 2020

    Agile Development Adoption and Best Practices 2020

    After more than two decades of maturation, agile development methodologies promise to deliver new systems more quickly, improve software quality, and increase user satisfaction. While adoption remains only moderate in corporate IT groups, agile development continues to gain adherents as organizations seek to respond to a continuously changing environment. In this study, we report how widely and deeply agile development is being embraced by IT groups today, by organization size and sector.

    March, 2020

  • Fig3RBITbestpractices2020 21 - In a Year Where Security Is Paramount, Many Drop the Ball

    In a Year Where Security Is Paramount, Many Drop the Ball

    Computer Economics, a division of Avasant Research has released its major annual study on 34 IT management best practices, and one important category of practices–IT security and risk management–is showing mixed results. This is a bad sign in 2020, considering the changing threat landscape and the ramifications of the pandemic. This Research Byte highlights our findings on IT security best practices, along with an overview of the contents of the full study. The full study analyzes the growth and maturity of all 34 best practices, which are grouped into five major categories: IT governance, IT financial management, IT operational management, IT security and risk management, and application development.

    October, 2020

  • Primary Image ITbestpractices 2020 21 - IT Management Best Practices 2020-2021

    IT Management Best Practices 2020-2021

    The best-run IT organizations not only focus their process improvement efforts on those of other departments, they also seek to optimize their own IT management processes internally. In this study, we examine the growth and maturity of 34 IT management practices.

    October, 2020

  • PrimaryImage GCC2020 - GCC Region Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™

    GCC Region Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™

    The GCC Region Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™ report addresses GCC enterprises' needs and helps them identify and adopt the right technologies combined with appropriate implementation strategies. The 120-page report also identifies the key service providers and system integrators that can help these enterprises in business transformation.

    October, 2020

  • Moneyshot GCC2020 - Gulf Cooperation Council Adopts Digital Transformation Amid Global Disruption

    Gulf Cooperation Council Adopts Digital Transformation Amid Global Disruption

    In the face of dramatic challenges in 2020, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has witnessed growth in non-oil sectors. This is a direct result of structural reforms that are conducive to economic diversification. The six Arabian Peninsula governments instituted policies and initiatives—such as data security laws, permission of 100% foreign ownership, exemptions from corporate and income taxes, and granting permanent residency permits to foreign investors—that have resulted in global businesses entering the GCC region in recent years. As a result, local enterprises facing global disruptions are embracing digital transformation to stay competitive. These and other trends are explored in Avasant's new GCC Region Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™ report.

    October, 2020

  • PrimaryImage SLG2020 21 - State & Local Government Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™

    State & Local Government Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™

    The State & Local Government Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™ report provides information to assist governments in charting out their action plan and identifies key global service providers and system integrators that can expedite their digital transformation journey. The 79-page report also highlights key market trends and offers Avasant’s view of the road ahead for state & local government agencies in the coming years.

    November, 2020

  • PrimaryImage SD WAN2020 - SD-WAN Managed Services 2020 RadarView™

    SD-WAN Managed Services 2020 RadarView™

    The Avasant SD-WAN Managed Services 2020 RadarViewTM Report highlights key trends shaping the digital workplace in the short-term and the long run and lays out our view on the road ahead for the enterprises. It identifies key global service providers to assist enterprises in their journey to workplace transformation. The 95-page report also talks about the disruption caused by COVID-19 and the changing nature of digital workplaces.

    October, 2020

  • MoneyShot StateLocalGovtDigitalServices2020 21 - Pandemic Pushes State, Local Governments to Modernize Systems

    Pandemic Pushes State, Local Governments to Modernize Systems

    In 2020, the global pandemic has exposed many governmental organizations in their limited availability of digital communication channels. In fact, prior to March 2020, 43% of UN member states did not have any organized digital media strategy. Many home-bound citizens relied on governments to provide them with relevant information and to deal with pressing issues around healthcare, unemployment, and economic stability. In the face of that, many governments started using a plethora of tools such as online portals, apps, social media platforms, and chatbots to reach out to residents. To support such initiatives, it is crucial that government agencies invest in modernizing their IT infrastructure for migrating workloads, automating processes, and making decisions based on data. These trends are covered in Avasant’s new State & Local Government Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™ report.

    November, 2020

  • PrimaryImages CRMsuites2020 2021 - Customer Relationship Management Suites 2020-2021 RadarView™

    Customer Relationship Management Suites 2020-2021 RadarView™

    The Customer Relationship Management Suites 2020-2021 RadarView™ report addresses the need of enterprises to identify the right solution to enhance their CRM function. It also brings out detailed capability and experience analyses of leading vendors to assist enterprises in identifying strategic partners for their CRM transformation journeys. The 47-page report also highlights the key adoption and product evolution trends in the CRM suites space and Avasant’s viewpoint on them.

    November, 2020

  • Fig1SaasAdoption - As SaaS Matures, It Is Slowing Down Just Like the Rest of Us

    As SaaS Matures, It Is Slowing Down Just Like the Rest of Us

    It is time to stop thinking of SaaS as a new technology and think of it as a mature incumbent. As such, we would expect a few things to begin to happen—investment to slow, ROI to be slightly harder to achieve, and satisfaction to drop. This Research Byte (a summary of the full report) explains why.

    September, 2020

  • Fig1SaasAdoption - SaaS Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    SaaS Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    Software as a service is everywhere, and nearly all new software deployments are SaaS. It is time to stop thinking of SaaS as a growing technology and think of it as a mature incumbent. This report quantifies the current investment trends for SaaS and identifies the benefits driving companies to expand their SaaS implementations.

    September, 2020

  • MobileAppFig1 - Everything is Sunny for Mobile Apps

    Everything is Sunny for Mobile Apps

    More than a decade has passed since the Blackberry and iPhone changed how employees get work done. Yet there is still steady investment in mobile apps to support an increasingly mobile workforce. This Research Byte is a summary of our full report, providing a summary of mobile apps adoption and investment trends as well as economic and customer experience for those that have adopted the technology.

    April, 2020

  • Fig1HCM - HCM Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    HCM Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    Human capital management (HCM) systems are becoming increasingly essential as business leaders recognize that success depends on recruiting and retaining the best people. But while the adoption rate for HCM systems is high, there are challenges in deploying them. This report quantifies the current adoption and investment trends for HCM technology as well as the benefits driving companies to expand their HCM implementations.

    August, 2019

  • Fig1HCM - HCM Ever Popular, but Satisfaction Lags

    HCM Ever Popular, but Satisfaction Lags

    Human capital management (HCM) systems are becoming increasingly popular, but, like most complex business systems, they can be a challenge to implement. Integrating HCM with other back-office systems can be a headache. From a return on investment and total cost of ownership point of view, HCM is moderately successful. But compared to other technologies in our annual Technology Trends survey, customer satisfaction is low. This Research Byte provides a summary of our full report on HCM adoption and customer experience.

    August, 2019

  • Fig2Mobileapp - Mobile Device Adoption is All About the Apps

    Mobile Device Adoption is All About the Apps

    Last year, mobile device adoption in the enterprise was plummeting, and it looked like the decrease would continue. Planned investment was low, and our argument was that the devices themselves just weren’t that sexy. The “action” was in the applications, and most enterprises were putting their investment there. This is still true, but surprisingly, mobile device adoption not only recovered but exceeded recent highs. This Research Byte examines mobile and wearable device adoption and investment trends based on our full report.

    October, 2019