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  • Fig1Businessdataanalytics - Business and Data Analytics Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    Business and Data Analytics Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    Enterprises are investing in their bread-and-butter core systems at a strong rate, but one type of solution leads the pack this year: business and data analytics. These solutions are the highest-priority technology investment for IT organizations. This report examines adoption and investment trends for business and data analytics of all types, providing insight into how many organizations have the technology in place, how many are implementing it, and how many are expanding investments in new capabilities.

    June, 2019

  • Fig2 CRMtechtrends2019 rb - CRM Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    CRM Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    CRM systems have become one of the most widely adopted categories of enterprise applications, and investment continues to grow. This report provides an overview of key concepts and vendors in the CRM space. We also examine CRM adoption and investment trends, providing data on how many organizations have the technology in place, how many are in the process of implementing it, and how many are expanding implementations.

    November, 2019

  • envisioningthefutureofeducation - Envisioning The Future Of Education

    Envisioning The Future Of Education

    The education sector, across both higher education and schools in the US and UK, is in the midst of long-term change that has accelerated with the pandemic in 2020. Technology adoption will be fundamental to the ongoing and impending transformation in the industry. This report identifies the key trends in education and highlights the role of technology in enabling a new future. This report is based on inputs from nearly 90 academic and technology leaders from universities and schools across the US and UK.

    August, 2020

  • Fig1 eCommadopt Rb - E-Commerce Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    E-Commerce Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    For many organizations, e-commerce systems are not a nice-to-have but an essential element of their business model. Nevertheless, while the overall ROI and TCO experience of e-commerce systems are positive, these systems can be complex and difficult to deploy. This report provides an overview of e-commerce adoption and investment trends, providing data on how many organizations have the technology in place, how many are in the process of implementing it, and how many are expanding implementations.

    January, 2020

  • Fig2 IaaStrends RB - IaaS Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    IaaS Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    IT organizations are growing their use of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) for a variety of purposes, including internal production systems, systems development and testing, and disaster recovery. We expect that growth to continue, though some companies are reticent to adopt IaaS. This report quantifies the current adoption and investment trends for IaaS, as well as the benefits driving adoption and the buyer concerns holding it back.

    July, 2020

  • Fig2 AI Finding RB - Artificial Intelligence Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    Artificial Intelligence Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    Artificial intelligence is not a single technology but several closely grouped technologies that allow for a machine to absorb and analyze data in order to make a recommendation or take an action. AI is not yet a mature technology, but interest in it is growing.

    August, 2020

  • primaryimage retailcpg - Retail & CPG Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™

    Retail & CPG Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™

    The Retail & CPG Digital Services 2020-2021 RadarView™ report zeroes in on key action items to navigate ongoing headwinds to gain competitive advantage. It identifies key global service providers and systems integrators to assist enterprises in business transformation. The 115-page report also highlights key market trends and offers Avasant’s view of the road ahead for retail and CPG companies in the coming years.

    August, 2020

  • radarview infographic cloud 2 - Cloud platform providers are enhancing capabilities for enterprise workforce collaboration

    Cloud platform providers are enhancing capabilities for enterprise workforce collaboration

    As the enterprise demand for collaboration tools, AI/ML apps, and secure remote access to critical workloads rises during pandemic, cloud providers have realigned their priorities and hinged their GTM strategy around three key areas: collaboration, security and automation. This portfolio augmentation is achieved either through partnering with specialized solution providers or acquiring external capabilities to accelerate time to market.

    August, 2020

  • HCLeventbyte - Not Just Digital, Digital Resiliency Is Imperative For Enterprises

    Not Just Digital, Digital Resiliency Is Imperative For Enterprises

    The COVID-19 pandemic marks a watershed moment for companies, and the need for building digital resilience has never been greater. To address business continuity and productivity, there has been a forced shift to remote work in many organizations, along with a spike in the demand for collaboration and a sudden rush to migrate applications to the cloud.

    July, 2020

  • July14 Webinarimage - Resilient Enterprise Transformation: Leveraging Data, Analytics and AI

    Resilient Enterprise Transformation: Leveraging Data, Analytics and AI

    Avasant’s digital forum, “Resilient Enterprise Transformation: Leveraging Data, Analytics and AI” addressed the key AI, Big Data and Analytics themes which are currently shaping the market and how it has empowered organizations to transform their core by leveraging these technologies.

    July, 2020

  • NetworkOps Fig1 - Network Operations Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    Network Operations Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    Network operations is a mature but evolving outsourcing category with a wide assortment of top IT and telecom industry service providers competing with regional providers for market share. This study examines adoption trends in the outsourcing of network operations.

    April, 2019

  • PrimaryImage1 CloudPlatforms2020 - Cloud Platforms 2020 RadarView™

    Cloud Platforms 2020 RadarView™

    This report addresses the need for enterprises to leverage cloud platforms to accelerate their digital journey, embrace a cloud approach, and identify the right cloud platform providers. It assesses cloud platform providers across key dimensions of product maturity, enterprise adaptability, and innovation roadmap.

    July, 2020

  • Supercharge enterprise - How to Supercharge your Enterprise: Hybrid, Multi-Cloud and Beyond

    How to Supercharge your Enterprise: Hybrid, Multi-Cloud and Beyond

    Avasant’s digital forum, “How to Supercharge Your Enterprise: Hybrid, Multi-Cloud and Beyond” addressed the key themes we are currently witnessing as enterprise applications shift to cloud native, and hybrid, multi-cloud deployment models become the norm.

    June, 2020

  • 06 16event - Reality Check: How to Reshape your IT Organization-A CIO Perspective

    Reality Check: How to Reshape your IT Organization-A CIO Perspective

    The coronavirus pandemic has had a tremendous impact around the world, affecting every aspect of business. What do IT organizations need to do as we emerge from the pandemic? That is one of the key themes of our recent digital forum, “Reality Check: How to Reshape Your IT Organization – A CIO Perspective.”

    June, 2020

  • Reshaping1152x768 - How Digital Transformation Will Drive IT Organizations in the Post-Pandemic World

    How Digital Transformation Will Drive IT Organizations in the Post-Pandemic World

    What do IT organizations need to do as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic? The bottom line is that if you are operating consistent with an integrated digital operating model, the post-COVID world should not be much different from the pre-COVID world—except any further digital transformation should be accelerated.

    June, 2020