Web/E-Commerce Staffing Ratios 2023
Social media, mobile devices, multimedia, and even the prospects of the metaverse, are increasing the ways customers and suppliers interact. The omnichannel experience will pressure organizations to build larger web and e-commerce footprints. With that increasing pressure, we expect web/e-commerce staffing to also increase. The Research Byte summarizes the five-year trend in web/e-commerce staffing ratios.
February, 2023
E-Commerce Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2022
E-commerce technology, while mature, is still evolving. This report provides an overview of e-commerce adoption and investment trends, providing data on how many organizations have the technology in place, how many are in the process of implementing it, and how many are expanding implementations. We also look at the ROI experience, TCO experience, and considered or planned uses for new e-commerce investment. We conclude with important principles to apply in planning and implementing e-commerce systems.
May, 2022
E-Commerce Complexity Causes Customer Experience Challenges
E-commerce technology, while mature, is still evolving. Customer experience is now the focal point as e-commerce systems enable hyperpersonalization. But e-commerce has become increasingly complex resulting in low TCO success and satisfactions rates. This Research Byte provides a summary of our full report on e-commerce adoption trends and customer experience.
May, 2022
Retail Digital Services 2022–2023 RadarView™
The Retail Digital Services 2022–2023 RadarView™ can help retailers craft a robust strategy for digital transformation based on industry outlook and best practices. The report can aid businesses in identifying the right partners and service providers to accelerate digital adoption. The 95-page report also identifies key service providers and system integrators that can help enterprises in their digital transformation journeys.
May, 2022
Web/E-Commerce Staffing Ratios 2021
Web/e-commerce support staffing has been generally flat as a share of the typical IT staff over the past five years. But the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a substantial increase in digital interactions with customers, partners, and suppliers. Therefore, we expect staffing demands to increase for web/e-commerce personnel in the coming years. This Research Byte summarizes the five-year trend in web/e-commerce staffing ratios.
November, 2021
Pandemic Gives Web Operations Outsourcing a Shot in the Arm
Web operations outsourcing is one of the most popular types of managed services. As the pandemic showed more than ever, organizations of all kinds continue to expand their efforts in online marketing, website management, and e-commerce. In doing so, many are turning to managed service providers that provide needed expertise. This Research Byte summarizes our full report on Web Operations Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience.
August, 2021
Web Operations Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience 2021
Web operations outsourcing is one of the most popular types of managed services. As the pandemic showed more than ever, organizations of all kinds continue to expand their efforts in online marketing, website management, and e-commerce. To help IT executives better assess their options, this report analyzes the percentage of organizations outsourcing web operations (frequency), the average amount of work outsourced (level), and the change to the amount of work being outsourced (net growth trend). We also present data on cost and service experience and how these trends differ by organization size and sector. We conclude with recommendations on how to engage with a web, e-commerce, or electronic data interchange (EDI) service provider.
August, 2021
Digital CX and CRM Services 2020-2021 RadarView™
The Digital CX and CRM Services 2020-2021 RadarView™ report provides information to assist enterprises in building digital customer experience (CX) and CRM related strategies and charting out an action plan for CX transformation. It identifies key global service providers and system integrators that can expedite their CX transformation journey. It also brings out detailed capability and experience analyses of leading providers to assist enterprises in identifying the right strategic partners. The 73-page report also highlights key industry trends in the digital CX and CRM space and Avasant’s viewpoint on them.
December, 2020
IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks 2019/2020: Chapter 25: Online Retail Subsector Benchmarks
Chapter 25 provides benchmarks for online retailers. This subsector includes clothing retailers, home furnishing retailers, dietary supplements and health products retailers, sports equipment retailers, and other online retailers. The 15 respondents in this sample have annual revenue ranging from $80 million to $63 billion. [Full Study Description]
July, 2019
Web/E-Commerce Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience 2015
The outsourcing of web and e-commerce systems and operations is rising again. Online sales are growing, business is shifting to mobile platforms, and organizations are reluctant to invest in aging data center infrastructure. As such, they are turning to outsourcing partners that can provide the latest expertise and a flexible, scaled approach to Internet infrastructure and systems. To help IT executives better assess their options, this study reports the percentage of organizations outsourcing web/e-commerce operations (frequency), the average amount of work outsourced (level), and the change to the amount of work being outsourced (net growth trend). We also present data on cost and service experience and on how these trends differ by organization size and sector. (8 fig., 14 pp.) [Research Byte]
September, 2015
Web/E-Commerce Outsourcing Trends and Customer Experience 2014
The outsourcing of web and e-commerce systems and operations is rising again, after a period of flat growth. On-line sales are growing, business is shifting to mobile platforms, and organizations are reluctant to invest in aging data center infrastructure. As such, they are turning to outsourcing partners that can provide the latest expertise and a flexible, scaled approach to Internet infrastructure and systems. To help IT executives better assess their options, this study reports the percentage of organizations outsourcing web/e-commerce operations (frequency), the average amount of work outsourced (level), and the change to the amount of work being outsourced (trend). We also present data on cost and service experience and on how these trends differ by organization size and sector. (12 pp., 8 fig.) [Research Byte]
August, 2014
Web/E-Commerce Outsourcing Trends and Experience 2012
Web/e-commerce systems outsourcing continues to be a significant part of the outsourcing business. To help IT executives assess their options, this study reports the percentage of organizations outsourcing web/e-commerce operations (frequency), the average amount of work outsourced (level), and the change in the amount of work being outsourced (trend). We also present data on cost and service experience and show how these trends differ by organization size and sector. (14 pp., 8 figs.) [Research Byte]
November, 2012
Web/E-Commerce Outsourcing Trends and Experience 2010
Web/e-commerce outsourcing activity is up sharply. To help IT executives assess their options, this study reports the percentage of organizations outsourcing web/e-commerce operations (frequency), the average amount of work outsourced (level), and the change in the amount of work being outsourced (trend). We also present data on cost and service experience. The cost experience is the percentage of organizations that find outsourcing costs more, the same, or less than performing the function in-house. The service experience is the percentage that finds outsourcing delivers service that is worse, about the same, or better. We also show how these trends differ by organization size and sector and examine the role that offshore outsourcing plays in this market.(19 pp., 14 figs.) [Research Byte]
December, 2010
Web/E-Commerce Staffing Ratios and Outsourcing Trends
After peaking in 2001 and then declining during the post-boom years, web development and e-commerce staffing levels have remained surprisingly steady over the past three years. In this report, we provide benchmarks on typical web/e-commerce staff by organization size and industry sector, examine the ratio of web staff to applications development staff, analyze web/e-commerce outsourcing levels, and look at the three-year trend in web staffing ratios. (5 pp., 9 figs.)[Executive Summary]
June, 2008