Latest Reports

  • Fig2CloudUsersRB - Cloud Users Enjoy Significant Savings

    Cloud Users Enjoy Significant Savings

    IT organizations that have successfully made the transition to the cloud enjoy significantly lower IT costs than industry peers who continue to operate large data centers and host most of their applications on premises, an Avasant Computer Economics study on the benefits of cloud computing found.

    April, 2016

  • Fig2CloudERP2014 - A Guide for Cloud ERP Buyers

    A Guide for Cloud ERP Buyers

    As organizations realize the benefits of cloud computing, an increasing number are committed to moving as many of their applications as possible away from their on-premises infrastructure. Moving the bulk of an organization’s systems to the cloud means that ERP—typically the largest single application—also must move to the cloud. Without cloud ERP, an organization will still be running a significant percentage of its application portfolio on-premises.

    August, 2014

  • Fig2CloudERP2014 - Understanding Cloud ERP Buyers and Providers

    Understanding Cloud ERP Buyers and Providers

    Not all ERP systems that are labeled “cloud” are the same. At the same time, vendors need to realize that not all ERP buyers are the same. The study provides an overview of ERP cloud vendors and describes the two major categories of buyers in this market: first-time buyers looking for their first ERP systems and established companies replacing their legacy systems.

    August, 2014

  • Fig1SaasAdoption - As SaaS Matures, It Is Slowing Down Just Like the Rest of Us

    As SaaS Matures, It Is Slowing Down Just Like the Rest of Us

    It is time to stop thinking of SaaS as a new technology and think of it as a mature incumbent. As such, we would expect a few things to begin to happen—investment to slow, ROI to be slightly harder to achieve, and satisfaction to drop. This Research Byte (a summary of the full report) explains why.

    September, 2020

  • Fig1SaasAdoption - SaaS Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    SaaS Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2020

    Software as a service is everywhere, and nearly all new software deployments are SaaS. It is time to stop thinking of SaaS as a growing technology and think of it as a mature incumbent. This report quantifies the current investment trends for SaaS and identifies the benefits driving companies to expand their SaaS implementations.

    September, 2020

  • MobileAppFig1 - Mobile App Adoption and Customer Experience 2020

    Mobile App Adoption and Customer Experience 2020

    The quest for a fully mobile enterprise continues with increasing adoption in mobile applications. This report provides an overview of mobile application adoption and investment trends, providing data on how many organizations have the technology in place, how many are in the process of implementing it, and how many are expanding implementations.

    April, 2020

  • MobileAppFig1 - Everything is Sunny for Mobile Apps

    Everything is Sunny for Mobile Apps

    More than a decade has passed since the Blackberry and iPhone changed how employees get work done. Yet there is still steady investment in mobile apps to support an increasingly mobile workforce. This Research Byte is a summary of our full report, providing a summary of mobile apps adoption and investment trends as well as economic and customer experience for those that have adopted the technology.

    April, 2020

  • products for post events insurance - Digital Disruption in Insurance: Enabling Innovative Business Models for the New Normal

    Digital Disruption in Insurance: Enabling Innovative Business Models for the New Normal

    Insurance firms must leverage hyper-convergent technologies such as Automation, IoT, AI to transform and become competitive in the New Normal. 

    September, 2020

  • Fig2IOT Adoption - IoT Customers Happy, So Why Is Adoption Stalling?

    IoT Customers Happy, So Why Is Adoption Stalling?

    One of the most talked-about technologies in recent years is the Internet of Things (IoT), but despite generally happy customers, IoT has not yet achieved widespread adoption. The immaturity of commercial solutions is likely the largest aspect holding back IoT, though that is starting to change. This Research Byte is a summary of our full report, which covers IoT adoption and investment trends, providing data on how many organizations have the technology in place, how many are in the process of implementing it, and how many are expanding implementations.

    August, 2019

  • Fig1HCM - HCM Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    HCM Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    Human capital management (HCM) systems are becoming increasingly essential as business leaders recognize that success depends on recruiting and retaining the best people. But while the adoption rate for HCM systems is high, there are challenges in deploying them. This report quantifies the current adoption and investment trends for HCM technology as well as the benefits driving companies to expand their HCM implementations.

    August, 2019

  • Fig1HCM - HCM Ever Popular, but Satisfaction Lags

    HCM Ever Popular, but Satisfaction Lags

    Human capital management (HCM) systems are becoming increasingly popular, but, like most complex business systems, they can be a challenge to implement. Integrating HCM with other back-office systems can be a headache. From a return on investment and total cost of ownership point of view, HCM is moderately successful. But compared to other technologies in our annual Technology Trends survey, customer satisfaction is low. This Research Byte provides a summary of our full report on HCM adoption and customer experience.

    August, 2019

  • Fig2Mobileapp - Mobile and Wearable Devices Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    Mobile and Wearable Devices Adoption Trends and Customer Experience 2019

    Since Apple launched the iPhone, mobile devices have gone from the must-have technology to table stakes. However, new classes of specialized devices promise new capabilities. This report provides an overview of key concepts and vendors in the mobile device space.

    October, 2019