Latest Reports
Destination Africa: Is Africa Emerging As A Viable Outsourcing Destination?
The unprecedented growth in the global sourcing of Technology, Business and Knowledge Managed Services has seen the emergence of multiple geographies and countries as provider destinations of these services. As clients evaluate alternate service provider geographies; many African countries, with an inherent advantage of a large, young workforce as well as good linguistic capabilities are gaining traction to exploit this market shift.
December, 2011
Capacity Building in IT/BPO Sector- A Perspective
In the past two decades, the world has experienced rapid growth in the IT/BPO sector. It touches the lives of millions of people worldwide and is a source of livelihood for many. In recent times, some countries have been able to exploit this sector and transform their econ-omies from a stagnant and depressed state to a vibrant and rapidly growing one.
August, 2011
China’s Outsourcing Market – A Perspective
China's market for the outsourcing of technology services (outsourcing services) has experienced faster growth. Over the past 5 years, both foreign IT service providers and home grown IT and BPO service providers have established and expanded business operations in China primarily to serve domestic and East Asian region customers.
July, 2011
Africa and Surviving the Global Recession: GlobeTalk with Avasant
This episode of GlobeTalk with Avasant focusses on Africa-The Last Frontier in an interview with Bruce McCracken, Sr. Research Analyst (Horses for Sources). Bruce discusses on rise of Africa to the global economy. We will also speak with Bob Randolph,CFO Avasant, who would discuss on surviving the global recession.
June, 2011
Cloud Computing: GlobeTalk with Avasant
This episode of GlobeTalk with Avasant focused on the phenomenon of cloud computing and how it is altering the way business think about their IT requirements. We interviewed David Mihalchik, who successfully led Googles effort to be the first provider of cloud computing services to meet the Federal Governments FISMA standards and Professor Vijay Gurbaxani, who provided us an overview of the economic case behind this latest innovation in technology services.
April, 2011
Doing Business in India: GlobeTalk with Avasant
This episode of GlobeTalk with Avasant focuses on India, arguably the epicenter of the changes that have taken place in the technology services industry over the past 2 decades. India has rapidly changed from a developing country to a world economic power that is vying for a seat on the UN Security Council.
March, 2011
Globalization of Services: GlobeTalk with Avasant
This episode of GlobeTalk with Avasant was focused on the phenomenon of globalization services and how emerging countries are positioning themselves to be players in the global market for technology services.
March, 2011
Business Innovation and Obama Healthcare Reforms: GlobeTalk with Avasant
This episode of GlobeTalk with Avasant had 2 topics; we spoke with author Deepa Prahalad, on the secrets behind why some products succeed, and others fail in the marketplace. We switched gears and spoke with Professor Joe Greco regarding the Obama Health Care Reform law, the most far reaching legislation in the United States enacted in 40 years.
February, 2011
Sourcing Drivers 2011: Realigning Business for the New Normal
Organizations are pursuing outsourcing today to gain more than just cost savings. But will the same old sourcing strategies be relevant in a world where the economy is in constant turbulence? In this note we take a look at the Top 5 Sourcing Drivers for 2011 that we believe will help unlock greater value for your organization and form the basis of more sustainable sourcing practices.
January, 2011
Cloud Computing – Impact on Business & Outsourcing
The recent economic downturn and pressures on IT budgets have evolved a creative new business model in the form of Cloud Computing. This paper by Dr. Pradeep K.Mukherji, President & Managing Partner, Avasant Asia discusses Cloud Computing and its implications on today's businesses and outsourcing.
December, 2010
Data Center Management In a Shared, Multi-Customer Environment
This paper is intended to provide an overview of the fundamental elements of data center management in the context of a multi-customer environment, which is generally characteristic of outsource data center providers, but also increasingly similar to in-sourced data centers providing services to multiple internal customers in a best practice, shared services organization model.
November, 2010
Development of Technology Services Industry in Nigeria: GlobeTalk with Avasant
This episode of GlobeTalk with Avasant was focused on the phenomenon of globalization services and how emerging countries are positioning themselves to be players in the global market for technology services. We spoke with representatives from CapeSource Technologies Limited, an innovative Nigerian company that is a regional leader in delivering IT and business processing services. We also spoke with a representative from the World Bank, which is actively supporting the development of nascent technology services industries across Africa.
October, 2010